The wheat eaten today is not the same as that eaten in olden days (pre-1945). Of course there is Genetically-Modified-Organisms wheat but even the non-GMO wheat has been hybridized to be "hardier". No testing was done to see if it adversely affects human health. There has been an epidemic of autoimmune diseases in the last 30 years. Have you noticed how many people are gluten intolerant? This agribusiness wheat is wreaking havoc on human health causing autoimmune diseases, dysbiosis of gut flora, leaky gut, and stress on the immune system making people generally in poor health. The links below will enlighten you to the components of wheat that cause the problems. For real eye-opening revelations about the dangers of wheat please read the book by Dr. William Davis entitled "Wheat Belly". At one time whole grains were a healthy food source but not anymore thanks to the U.S. Agribusiness behemoth.