I have found black seed to be very effective in relieving my extremely dry skin. I will usually just add a few drops to my problem areas or add a few drops of black seed oil to whatever moisturizer I'm using that day, usually coconut or another moisturizing oil like apricot kernel or grapeseed. But for those dealing with the itchy, skin dryness, and irritation of eczema, here's a natural remedy to try.
Boil two part Raw Apple Cider Vinegar and one part ground black seed. Allow to cool and add 2-3 tablespoons of Manuka Honey (active 10+ or better), 1tsp. black seed oil, a about a tsp. or so of cinnamon (true cinnamon), and ½ tsp. vitamin E (one capsule). Work the ingredients into a paste and apply to effected areas of the skin 3 times a day. This should bring relief to the itching, inflammation, and irritation associated with eczema, and skin clearing should be noticed if used regularly over a period of time. And as there are many factors that aggravate or trigger eczema, changes in diet and other habits are also necessary.
Please note: Manuka honey is expensive, so a really GOOD RAW honey can be substituted, but please not that commercial stuff from the supermarket, as you don’t want antibiotic-laced honey flavored corn syrup anywhere near your body, internally or externally!