what we did with our grandson is give him one drop of
SSKI once a day starting at 9 months. i was going to wait but the fukushima scare made me jump start the program and i am glad i did.
at two we went to two drops and at three we went to three. he has yet to ever need a physician other than a well check. he never seems to get too sick though he has had the sniffles once or twice.
now this kid is vaccine free and
Antibiotic free and gmo free and etc, so his immune system is buff. i was even giving him colostrum sprinkled on his yogurt and berries for breakfast. he loved it.
for sure
Iodine has played some role in three years with no illness. the key is definitely to see it through or dont start at all. you must be serious enough to be commited to that daily dose. the body will do the rest. going on and off
Iodine is an unnecessary interruption of full function. it can produce minor transient symptoms as well, like sore throat, runny nose all the time, or maybe a zit or two. that kind of thing. the body adjusts to a constant dose.
there is also the story of andy stebbing which he has posted here. it has to be a triple R or higher post. anyway, as memory serves, his two boys went from Cs and
Bs to Bs and As, they abandoned their video games and the one became captain of his schools team. they were grade school age and he was giving them
SSKI every day.