I remember going to the movies once, and this little kid (maybe nine years old) sat 1 seat away from me, and the whole movie I was so focused on him to see if he was touching his nose or anything. He would touch his nose and then not touch it, oh my god... it was so nerve racking... THANK GOD HE DIDN'T COUGH. I always feel like I'm torturing little kids when they're around me... Like I have these 2 cousins and when they're near me they start to cough, and whenever people cough it makes me so frustrated and mad, but I know they can't help it and I feel like torturing them... It's so sad, I just tell them to go away. sigh. Pathetic doesn't even begin to describe it. Oh I forgot the best part, that day when I went to the movies, I HAD LITERALLY SHOWERED AN HOUR BEFORE GETTING THERE. Oh well... I'd rather not recall all those horrible moments...