OK, I can tell you exactly how tongkat ali causes penis enlargement at any age.
First of all, the penis does not have a fixed size. It's not a bone, and not a muscle, but a sponge. A special one, but still a sponge, and the same laws of physics apply as do for foam.
There is a large number of chambers that fill with blood. An erection is an accumulation of tightly filled foam chambers closed by a backflow valve.
Like balloons, these chambers can also be tightly folded, and then a penis can be as small as a small finger.
This can be chemically effected with amphetamines. Even large quantities of coffee can have a temporary size-reducing effect.
Tongkat ali does the opposite, especially if combined with sexual activity, and if this activity is conducted in a special manner... a manner probably only possible with tongkat ali.
My own experience is that on generous dosages of tongkat ali, I have an almost frightening control over my ogasms.
In a single day, I can easily do six or seven rounds, and every round has at least five c1imaxes. Do the math... that amounts to about 50 c1imaxes in a day.
They are all genuine, with pulsations, even shivers going up the spinal cord. Every ogasm does have an ejaculation, but not one that would empty the balls and ducts.
Somehow, the tongkat ali changes the tone of the contracting muscles, or the walls of the ducts that contract during standard ejaculations, so that these ducts and muscles constrict only minimally, but relax fully in between orgastic contractions.
Somehow, the effect of tongkat ali on the primary male sex organ is like that of marijuana on general perception. It slows time sensation. On marijuana, this slowed time perception allows one to identify every single tone in music as if this tone stands alone. Likewise, the tongkat ali makes me feel orgastic contractions almost individually. And because they are time-stretched, it is much easier to avoid full ejaculating constrictions, and instead concentrate on orgastic pleasure, which is tied to the release curve of pulsations.
It has long been known that tongkat ali reliably cures premature ejaculation. It does so by exactly the same mechanism by which I can have 50 ogasms in a day: the control over the constricting part of ogasmic wawes, or pulsations.
Now, a side effect of sex on tongkat ali is that during refractory phases, and even throughout sequences of several days, the sponge cells of the penis do not empty as totally as they normally do. Therefore, my member stays half erect during rounds of sexual conduct within the same day, and even does not empty for several days as totally as it did before I became a tongkat ali user.
And if I walk around naked in the apartment when a girlfriend is around, my non-erect 15 centimeter appendix, with a diameter larger more than my girlfriend's wrists {and this in a non-erect state), just creates a sexually appetizing atmosphere.
And how permanent is this size increase? Some of the size increase surely lasts. I assume that sponge cell walls that are very frequently subjected to long-lasting erections, and many hours a day to half-erect states, get stretched, just like a rubber band to which a weight is attached.
Precisely this is what many penis enlargement programs advise: hang some weights on your penis, and it will become longer.
Jelqing has a comparative effect.
But I think both techniques, hanging weights and jelqing, are unnatural, and can do serious damage.
Having stretched sponge walls from the blood inside the penis through full erections for several hours a day, and half erections almost all day, is much more natural then weights and jelqing. And it has the clear effect of a lasting size increase. This size increase can be felt both in the relaxed and erect state, as larger sponge chambers can fill with more blood, and voila, there is bigger size.
And on top of that, the tongkat ali course of penis enlargement is much more pleasurable than stupid jelqing and idiotic weight hanging.