He talks about using it topically. Which is better, oral or topical?
I met with David Hudson, the discoverer of ormus, and we talked about Ormus Gold for hours. One of the things he told me was, "What you really have there is the white dove." I was like, "What do you mean, the white dove?" He said that we've done is we have taken gold metal and converted it into a halogen like
Iodine so thatit's vaporous – and it flies. The white dove. That's the alchemical name of it. So when you put the Ormus Gold on your skin, it goes right in, like a halogen. I'm starting to understand now how
Iodine and Ormus Gold actually shield and protect us from absorbing chlorine, bromine and radioactive
Iodine and fluorine, which are all halogens.
Because that's the idea of taking in iodine, isn't it? You saturate yourself so you don't absorb the radioactive iodine. The other part that we never hear about is it also blocks you from absorbing chlorine and bromine and fluorine from your water. Isn't that a trip? People ask me all the time about chlorination, "How do I protect myself?" Iodine. Great way to protect yourself. Iodine has been shown to be the – I can't use this word. It's a four-letter word. It begins with a c, ends with ane. The middle two letters are u, r. To polycystic breast disease – which is an estrogen dominance condition. How about cystic ovaries?
Now, the powers that be have admitted that iodine is essentially the cure to polycystic breast disease – but they haven't said that it's also the cure for polycystic ovaries. And let's say you have polycystic breast disease or ovaries. Where do you put the iodine? Right on the affected area. Apply the iodine topically and then hold your hand over it so the iodine does not volatilize off into the atmosphere. That way you will allow more iodine to penetrate into your skin. Do this with iodine once a day.
I didn't know until after Fukushima that you take it until you are completely saturated – which means that you put it on your skin and 24 hours later you can still see it on your skin. If it goes on and ten minutes later it's gone, you can keep taking more. Dr. Brownstein wrote a really amazing book called Iodine. In that book he said that you actually need about 100 times the RDA of iodine per day. One hundred times. So that's about 13 to 15 mg of iodine per day.
Do you know how much I've been doing lately? Since Fukushima I've been doing it every day. Occasionally, I do 400 mg of iodine per day. That's a heavy amount. Not everybody can do that. Some people have allergies to it. Some people can't; no way should you start there, and some people will never get there. But that's what is recommended under a heavy nuclear fallout situation, which we are kind of in. You know, if you are kind of watching what's going on – five hot particles per day in Seattle, Washington when there are ten per day in Tokyo. That's pretty serious.