silence is impossible unless beyond being fully aware, you will dream on it, suppressing it because of fear it comes back at night, and the totality comes in to abide in the self and the real peace in with true love and energy to what you want to see to your honest serving of all and this makes you one with the universe. making fear to others has been a work of the controlling one for his dishonest feeding into the false consciousness and hypnotism and death for being caught desiring and not satisfying with what is presented to you. WHat they know? what they feel to you and respond to that immediate need? nothing but deservice and intoleration to self destruction; yet one hopes to live his denial, in spite of all, hoping some rest. the fear plays illusion while the body and soul and mind bogged down until it is too late with the others past civilizations. separate evilspirit of a wicket restless crowd is too blind for killing itself, but what it knows, nothing to be connected to the source, to that silence or real spirit or energy that gives life and real rest for the body and the true love of it. This people were known to live in balance with their surrounding for a time but not allowed so the rest of the whole world. I don't think that there is any present existence now really coming from that silence, a real spirit. No one can see life from thoughts unless it reaches into feeling, experience and real vision of physical life in harmony with one's action. we have been very foolish, like me, but I had a true feeling to all this true love to attract harmony to no avail for I had to buy it with having a false education or huge demand to impossible. you must know the truth and see it very clear so you can stay on safety side without fear for real things, it is all your right. they do not like that you know at all so they doom you with an emotion that would not allow you to think for yourself thus see the truth of what they are planning against life, mankind itself. the spirit of the a crowd is not the spirit of that which nature has created itself. one needs to act directly and satisfy the need right away to have the awareness of who really please to life or else it would be only desire that please you in vain and never to be satisfied. we are to be caught in lacking of perfection to make it with our weak knowledge of those who we have to believe by force but in reality we are dying for it is not to care for your life at all. hah, you know the source not the same. Now to find some peace is to seek ego isolation in one illusion of his making and to buy it likewise from others. it is amazing how foolish we are and it will prove itself in the end.
I have been trying to see the truth and a way to save lives, not just to know but nothing else behind it, no experience to see the true and life. I like to see a movie of these people now and the cowboys shooting, I like this one.