I know exactly how you feel! I've been to three doctors in the past year and a half - each one of them has said I don't smell. And yet, earlier in the day when in a small classroom, some of the students were making comments about the odor. I talked to my lecturer one day about it and she said she had never noticed anything and would tell me if she had - and yet other people around me that day had been really cruel, spraying air freshener around and making comments about odors. Recently, my class and I went on field trip and a group of girls started saying "Damn girl, that's nasty." Then,looking at me and laughing - and one of them said, "Hmmm fishy." I've tried telling myself that I could just be ultra-sensitive but how many time in one's life can people comment on fish odor and it not be you?! My partner thinks I'm neurotic - I can't even talk to him about it because he says people are just talking about someone else.... in multiple settings... I don't think so. My kids, my immediate family... no one seems to smell it. I think my grandmother can smell it because of a few comments she's made but I'm too embarrassed to ask her. So yeah, I do understand and I think the fact that not everyone smells it is one of the most frustrating things of all. At least if people you trust enough to talk about it to could smell it you could have honest opinions - and maybe someone who could tell you when you're having an off moment/day or whatever. In saying that, there have been a very few times when my partner or kids smelled something rank and it was before I ever talked about it to anyone - it's always been when I've been under stress, so I def think stress is linked in with it somehow. Even if it's just that my body temperature rises slightly and it pushes it out through my pores more noticeably.