I just finished a 10 day sprint on the cleanse. You were on it for 8 more days, and may need more time for your body to acclimate back to food. Consider another day of OJ (I'm assuming you are using fresh squeezed juice.). The next day try using home made vegetable broth. I'm not familiar with the brand, but your body will want to reject anything processed. Just drink the broth. I also had rice with the broth (very little). I did eat some of the veggies that were cooked in the soup. If you do that, don’t overdue.
Be sure to have small amounts. Since you are vomiting, you may want to try having a 2 or 3 Tbsp every ½ hour, or hour, at first. If you keep that down, you can gradually increase.
Are you still starting your day with lemon water? I continued, and still will as it is good for the body, to drink that first think in the AM. It helps the body's ph, among other things.
What water were you using for your soup? Use whatever water source you were using during the cleanse.
Give yourself a couple of days of broth and rice, before moving forward. On my second day, I started the day with lemon water (not the cayenne, maple syrup mixture), then OJ, then had the soup in the evening.
Of course, consult your physician :)
Hope this helps.