Although not technically in winter yet, it sure feels like it today as I write this article for you!
And it's at this time of year that people curious about eating raw are asking, "How on earth do I go or stay raw in winter?". Others, those who may have been eating raw for a few months or on and off for a few years even, may find that this is the time of year where cooked foods start to becme a very attractive proposition indeed!
In this article, the first of several, I'll be addressing a number of factors and my intention is that by the end of it, no matter whre you are starting from, you'll feel clued up about the approach you personally will be taking this winter so that you are at peace with your decision and can move into winter with a spring in your step rather than dragging your heels! In future eZines I'll be getting into the more nitty-gritty aspects of eating raw in winter, featuring some great winter-warmer (raw) recipes to keep you smiling inside and out!
One of the most common questions I get asked, especially at this time of year, is "How do you stay raw in winter? I just can't imagine not eating anything hot when it's so cold. How can I do it?"
Well, I have to begin by saying that from what I have seen in others and experienced myself, it entirely depends on how new you are to raw foods. Eating raw in winter is a bit like training for a marathon - you can't expect to run the whole way first time out; your body has to adjust and it has to adjust incrementally over a period of time.
I think the best way I can teach you about staying raw in winter is to share my own story with you. Through doing this you'll be able to get an idea of the lengths of time involved, what to do and what not to do, and also why it's important to see the raw food journey as something that has hills and valleys just like any other journey in life - sometimes you just have to accept what's real and deal with it, so that you can press on and enjoy what lays over the other side!
My story begins in 1993 when I first discovered raw foods. I'd been dabbling since the spring of that year and doing really well on it. By the time it got to winter, naturally I felt colder than before and the thought of eating salads and tropical fruits throughout the winter wasn't quite as attractive as it had been some months before! Bear in mind, however, that at this stage I was eating high raw and not all raw, so "staying raw" wasn't the issue for me, just knowing how to keep warm without being tempted back into chips (fries) and greasy veggie-burgers and other more junky foods was my first and immediate challenge.
Well, those first few winters - about four of them - I approached the issue as I have done with all aspects of my raw eating: If it feels good do it, if it doesn't - don't. Yes, I wanted to eat as much raw food as possible, but if my body was freaking out about it, then there was no way I was going to force it on myself; that would be completely contra to everything I was aspiring to, which, besides eating raw, was a sense of greater wholeness, peace around eating and a better relationship with myself and my body.
So during those first four or so years I did the best I could. I ate as much raw as possible, but if I wanted porridge I ate it (but cooked it with water rather than milk and threw in lots of fresh banana, raisins and a big blob of honey). If I wanted a plate of chips with my salad I ate them (but they weren't deep fried as they were years previously, they changed to oven baked, low fat, veg oil only). Jacket potatoes with mashed avocado, wholegrain rice or pasta with fresh wholesome sauces, or boiled potatoes swirled in olive oil, fresh garlic, chopped basil and lemon juice became my winter time staples. By eating these with salads I could happily stay high raw and get the heat I needed from those cooked foods while still keeping "with the program".
By around year five I remember that I had moved into a cold, tiny, pretty drab flat for a short while and I can remember looking out of the kitchen window one day at the snow falling outside. I was about 6 months into what I considered to be my "100% raw forever if I can" phase and although I wanted to continue it, I said to myself "If I want cooked food this winter I shall have it, but if I don't then I'll just take it day by day and see what happens." As it turned out, I had got so used to eating raw food having been doing it to such a high degree for so long that actually my body no longer wanted it. And so it was that I went through the whole winter not just cooked-food-free, but I didn't even feel drawn to drinking herbal teas. That was pretty surprising, but it felt completely right. Cooked and hot foods no longer felt "right" at all and my desire for them had disappeared completely.
And this continued for the next five years in fact, where I didn't eat any cooked food at all, apart from three weeks during pregnancy and that was in the February of 2002 and had nothing to do with the temperature outside!
What I learned from all of this is the following:
1) It takes time to go through a UK winter on all raw foods without feeling seriously deprived.
2) It probably can be done if you have a will of iron, but personally, because I am such a fan of the "whole person" approach, I do not recommend you forcing it until you feel genuinely ready, and this may take years (is there a hurry anyway?).
3) When I finally did stay raw throughout winter it became apparent to me that some of the previous cooked food longings during the colder months had been physiological for sure - the body does have to adjust - but I also became aware that a lot of it is also psychological, meaning that a lot of it is about habit and belief that hot food is necessary and this also has to be overcome to go all the way.
Although this has been my own experience I do need to add one final thing. Over the recent years I've become more interested in body types and blood types. While I'm no expert on either, what I have observed is that more "sturdy" types like me (I am slim now but certainly not skinny), seem to fare better on raw food all of the time, and those who have always been naturally lean can struggle more.
Personally I think the most important aspect to all of this is to look on wintertime as an opportunity to strengthen the relationship and intimacy you have with yourself and your body even further. Yes, there will be a tendency (just like there is in pregnancy!) to say "what the hell!" and eat whatever you want because the pulls to do so are stronger than normal, but I'd like to invite you to actually turn this inclination on its head and ask yourself, "How can I use the darkness, coldness and mystery of the winter to nourish myself at a deeper level via my food choices, my lifestyle habits and the way I utilise this special time of year to reflect on who I am and who I am becoming?"
Winter time may be cold, dark and even lonely in some regards, but unlike any other season it gives us the opportunity to turn inwards and see what's real, what needs addressing and to take a look at how we can feed ourselves optimally now so that when spring comes around again we can awaken, ground, aspire, grow and blossom even more brightly next year than we have done during this. In this regard, winter becomes a gift, and a time of opportunity rather than challenge.
Choose to look on it this way and your winter in the raw will be a pleasure, especially when you know that a few months from now you can feel stronger, leaner and lighter in every regard than you currently do now, and that can only be a good thing!
© 2008 Karen Knowler
Karen Knowler, The Raw Food Coach publishes "Successfully Raw" - a free weekly eZine for raw food lovers everywhere. If you're ready to look good, feel great and create a raw life you love get your FREE tips, tools and recipes now at
It's only natural that at this time of year what you put in your shopping basket is going to be very different to what you put in it during the summer. But what exactly IS good to buy and eat during the colder months when you want to eat raw but the fruit in the shops has never been less ripe and the salads somehow just seem too watery and unsubstantial? And how on earth do you avoid the classic raw foodist error of relying daily on the good ol' dried fruit and nuts combo which only ends up knocking you off balance, fills you up on too-sugary- too-fatty snack foods and never truly satisfies you?
For those of you now wondering what to put in your kitchen store cupboard and refrigerator now that the cold dark nights are well and truly here, this is for you.
Step 1: Choose Your Recipes
You could be forgiven for thinking that step one might have been "buy your produce" and then gone on to detail what produce is best to buy at this time of year. Well, we will be getting to that, but experience tells me to start with the actual recipes that you want to be making, especially if you are new to this. Yes, there are definitely going to be some raw food groups that you are going to be leaning on more heavily than others, but there's no point in buying in lots of winter-friendly food and then wondering what on earth to do with it! So step 1 is indeed "Choose Your Recipes" and so I recommend that you pull out your raw recipe books, my 50 Recipes eBook if you own it, and also make full use of the internet and past eZines to find some great winter recipes that really appeal to you and that you feel 100% confident that you will want and be able to make. Your task here is to choose 10 really good "I want to make this" raw recipes that you can photocopy, put in a binder and keep in your kitchen both for the purpose of making the recipes and also for the purpose of compiling your shopping list. Naturally I want you to make sure that you choose recipes that you feel will be perfect for the time of year and climate, so yes, this likely means that you'll be eating heavier, probably more nut, seed and grain-based recipes, but so be it, this is all part of the diversity that can be experienced when you choose to eat more live natural foods.
Step 2: Create Your Shopping List
So what comes next is not a surprise! The second step is to go through those recipes you've selected and compile your shopping list from them so that you have everything you need. Very likely many if not most of the ingredients will be "dry" goods, that is things in packets, jars or shells, and of course there will also be the need to intentionally include a very generous amount of green leafy vegetables, if you've not already done so, together with a very health dose of other fresh stuff such as the classic tomatoes, bell peppers, avocadoes and other fresh raw favourites. When you're done, I'd like you to run your list through a quick check to make sure you have enough diversity in there (read: nutrition) - do this by checking out my list of raw food groups. And if you're really keen to explore each food group in more detail and see what else you could be adding to your diet then the comprehensive "ultimate raw shipping list" will be just what you're looking for - this can be found within my eBook "How To Get Started With Raw Foods" (which are currently flying off the "shelf").
Step 3: Warm Up Your Kitchen!
Whether you're eating all raw or more raw this winter, there's a good chance that you'll also need to tweak or revamp your kitchen to accommodate your changes. Mostly it will simply be a case of deciding which equipment you're going to be using more often and perhaps swapping some locations for practical reasons and ease of use, but if you're still new to raw foods and are going for it, then this might be the time to have your spring clean a bit early! Your criteria is simply to ask yourself "What 5 changes can I make to my kitchen this weekend that would really make my winter in the raw easier, tastier and more enjoyable?" and then do what's required. An example? Well, I tend to make a lot of smoothies in the summer but in winter tend to want vegetable juices a lot more, so I'll be swapping my Vita-Mix and Champion around, so that my juicer is nearer my sink as I'll be using it more often. I'm also much more drawn to sprouting in the winter so I'll be setting up a more active and easily accessible sprouting area within my kitchen so that I have some on the go all the time. Whatever 5 changes you commit to making, also bear in mind that any changes made are best done against a nice clean backdrop, so if there's any binning or donating to be done, now's the time to do it!
Step 4: Go Shopping
So you have your list and your kitchen is all geared up for the new foods and meals that it'll be seeing soon, now it's time to buy the stuff! Yes, I want you to buy what you set out to buy, but I also want you to keep your eyes and senses open to any other new foods that are on sale that you might never have seen or tried before. Now might be the time to try persimmons for the first time (also known as Sharon Fruit), or to have your first raw experiment with cranberries. Just be open to adding one or two surprise ingredients, just to see.
Step 5: Get To It!
Once back home with all your goodies it's time to stash everything away safely ready for using. This is the time to see if there's any way you could better use your space now that you have everything you need and can physically see the volume of it. For instance, do the cupboards need rearranging so that all the food is in one place or near corresponding equipment? Would your dried goods, now that there are more of them, be better located in your carousel (if you have one), like mine are, rather than your pots and pans?
When you're done, it's time to choose your first recipe! Yes, you're actually going to make this happen! So, what's first up on this week's menu? You know you have to take action now!
Enjoy your winter : )
© 2008 Karen Knowler
Karen Knowler, The Raw Food Coach publishes "Successfully Raw" - a free weekly eZine for raw food lovers everywhere. If you're ready to look good, feel great and create a raw life you love get your FREE tips, tools and recipes now at
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Baking Soda Found To Help People with Chronic Kidney Disease
(NaturalNews) Chronic kidney disease (CKD) is a serious condition marked by the permanent loss of kidney function. When the kidneys are damaged, the organs can't remove wastes and extra water from the blood as well as they should and the result can be a host of serious and even deadly health consequences. But now researchers in the United Kingdom have made a breakthrough in the treatment of advanced CKD -- and it doesn't involve a new drug or high tech surgery. Instead, it's simply a daily dose of sodium bicarbonate or, as it is more commonly called, baking soda.
Used for everything from baking cookies and non-toxic cleaning to relieving indigestion and sunburn, now baking soda has been shown to slow the decline of kidney function in CKD, according to a study set for publication in the Journal of the American Society of Nephrology (JASN). "This cheap and simple strategy also improves patients' nutritional status, and has the potential of translating into significant economic, quality of life, and clinical outcome benefits," researcher Magdi Yaqoob, MD, of the Royal London Hospital, said in a statement to the media.
This is an enormously important finding because CKD is a growing health problem, both in the UK and the US. According to the National Institutes of Health (NIH), between1990 and 2000, the number of people with kidney failure requiring dialysis or transplantation in the US virtually doubled to 380,000. If this trend continues, around 700,000 people will have serious kidney failure by 2010.
Dr. Yaqoob studied 134 patients with advanced CKD and low bicarbonate levels, a condition known as metabolic acidosis. One group of these patients was treated with a small daily dose of sodium bicarbonate in tablet form, in addition to their usual care. The results? The rate of decline in kidney function was dramatically reduced in these patients. Overall, the decline was about two-thirds slower than in patients not given sodium bicarbonate. "In fact, in patients taking sodium bicarbonate, the rate of decline in kidney function was similar to the normal age-related decline," Dr. Yaqoob stated.
The patients taking sodium bicarbonate were also less likely to develop end-stage renal disease (ESRD) which causes people with CKD to undergo regular dialysis. In addition, those taking sodium bicarbonate also had improvement in several measures of nutrition. And, even though their levels of sodium went up, they did not experience increased blood pressure.
Low bicarbonate levels are common in patients with CKD and can lead to a wide range of other problems. "This is the first randomized controlled study of its kind," says Yaqoob. "A simple remedy like sodium bicarbonate (baking soda), when used appropriately, can be very effective."
The NIH estimates that 20 million Americans have significantly reduced kidney function, and even a small decline in kidney function can double a person's risk of developing cardiovascular disease. Many people will experience heart attacks or strokes before they are even aware they have kidney disease. Fortunately, there are many natural strategies that can help prevent, fight and heal kidney disease ( For example, avoiding soda pop can lower the odds of developing CKD in the first place ( And, as reported earlier in NaturalNews, eating fish a couple of times a week has been shown to help prevent kidney disease in diabetics(
For more information:
by: S. L. Baker
Related Article:
• Baking Soda Prevents Kidney Disease, Renal Failure and Kidney Dia...
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Baking Soda Found To Help People with Chronic Kidney Disease
***Personal note: 2 things come to mind:
1. All baking soda is NOT created equal. Alot of grocery store brands have aluminum. You want to avoid these. Look for pure brands in a healthfood store.
2. readReadREAD Dr. Robert O. Young, author of The pH Miracle and inventor of The New Biology (TM) to learn how to get your body making the sodium bicarbonate that a body needs for healthy function.
(NaturalNews) The human body is composed of 75 percent water and 25 percent solid matter. To provide nourishment, eliminate waste and conduct all the trillions of activities in the body, we need water. Most modern societies, however, no longer stress the importance of drinking water as the most important "nutrient" among nutrients. Entire population groups are substituting water with tea, coffee, alcohol and other manufactured beverages. Many people don't realize that the natural thirst signal of the body is a sign that it requires pure, plain drinking water. Instead, they opt for other beverages in the belief that this will satisfy the body's water requirements. This is a false belief.
Common Beverage Substitutions Lead to Dehydration
It is true that beverages such as tea, coffee, wine, beer, soft drinks, sports drinks and juices contain water, but they also contain caffeine, alcohol, sugar, artificial sweeteners or other chemicals that act as strong dehydrators. The more of these beverages you consume, the more dehydrated your body becomes because the effects they create in the body are exactly opposite the ones that are produced by water. Beverages containing caffeine, for example, trigger stress responses that at first have strong diuretic effects, leading to increased urination. Beverages with added Sugar drastically raise blood Sugar levels. Any beverage that provokes such a response coerces the body to give up large quantities of water. Regular consumption of such beverages results in chronic dehydration, which plays a part in every toxicity crisis (the body's effort to rid itself of accumulated toxins).
There is no practical or rational reason to treat an illness (toxicity crisis) with synthetic drugs or even with natural medications and methods unless the body's need for hydration has been met first. Drugs and other forms of medical intervention can be dangerous for the human physiology largely because of their strongly dehydrating effects. Most patients nowadays are suffering from "thirst disease," a progressive condition of dehydration. Some parts of the body may be dehydrated more than others. Unable to remove toxins from these parts due to insufficient water reserves, the body is faced with the consequences of their destructive effects (toxemia). The lack of recognition of the most basic aspects of water metabolism in the body more often than not becomes a "diagnosed" illness, when it is really the body's desperate cry for water. What doctors generally refer to as disease, is largely an advanced condition of dehydration and the resulting inability of the body to rid itself of waste materials and toxins.
Recognizing Dehydration
Those who have lived for many years without proper water intake are the most likely to succumb to the buildup of toxins in the body. Chronic disease is always accompanied by dehydration and, in many cases, caused by it. The longer a person lives on a low water ration and/or on a high ration of stimulating beverages or foods, the more severe and long-lasting will be the toxicity crisis. Heart disease, obesity, diabetes, Rheumatoid Arthritis , stomach ulcers, hypertension, cancer, MS, Alzheimer's, and many other chronic forms of disease are preceded by years of "body drought." Infectious agents such as bacteria and viruses cannot thrive in a well-hydrated body. Drinking enough water is, therefore, one of the most important disease-prevention measures you can take.
Those who do not drink enough water, or who unduly deplete their body's water reserves through overstimulation for a period of time, gradually lower the ratio of the volume of water that exists inside the cells to the ratio of the volume of water that is found outside the cells. Normally, the water ratio inside cells is higher than the one found in the cell environment. Under conditions of dehydration, the cells may lose up to 28 percent or more of their water volume. This certainly undermines all cellular activities, whether the cells in question are those of the skin, stomach, liver, kidney, heart or brain. Whenever there is cellular dehydration, metabolic waste products are not removed properly. This causes symptoms that resemble disease, but they are really just indicators of disturbed water metabolism.
Since more and more water begins to accumulate outside the cells in order to dilute and help neutralize the toxic waste products that have accumulated there, the dehydration may not be apparent to the afflicted person. He may, in fact, notice that he begins to hold on to water in his legs, feet, arms and face. His kidneys may also begin to hold on to water, markedly reducing urinary secretion and causing the retention of potentially harmful waste products. Normally, cellular enzymes signal to the brain when cells run low on water. Enzymes in dehydrated cells, however, become so inefficient that they are no longer able to register the drought-like condition. Subsequently, they fail to convey the emergency situation to the brain, which would normally push the "thirst alarm button."
Demetria, a 53-year-old Greek woman, consulted me to find relief for the painful condition of gallbladder disease. Her skin was dark gray, indicating a high concentration of toxins in her liver and throughout her body. Seeing how dehydrated (and swollen) her body was, I offered her a glass of water. She said, "I never drink water; it makes me sick!" I told her that her natural thirst signals were no longer working due to cellular dehydration, and that without drinking enough water, her body could not return to balance. It was obvious to me that her body would use any amount of water she drank to instantly remove some of the toxins lurking in her stomach, giving rise to nausea. In her case, any therapy other than drinking water would have been a waste of her time and money. Demetria's difficult condition required that she begin sipping small amounts of hot, Ionized Water every half hour (see directions in "General Guidelines" of Chapter 6, Timeless Secrets of Health and Rejuvenation, to help remove these toxins until she was able to drink larger portions of regular water.
A dehydrated person may also be suffering from a lack of energy. Because of a shortage of water inside the cells, the normal osmotic flow of water through the cell membrane becomes severely disturbed. Similar to a stream running down a mountain, the movement of water into the cells generates "hydroelectric" energy, which is subsequently stored as ATP molecules (the main source of cellular energy). As a rule, the water we drink keeps the cell volume balanced, and the salt we eat maintains the balanced volume of water that is kept outside the cells and in circulation. This generates the perfect osmotic pressure necessary for cellular nourishment and energy production. In a dehydrated state, the body fails to sustain this vital mechanism, thereby leading to potentially serious cell damage.
The Pain Connection
Another major indicator of dehydration in the body is pain. In response to an increasing shortage of water, the brain activates and stores the important neurotransmitter histamine, which directs certain subordinate water regulators to redistribute the amount of water that is in circulation. This system helps move water to areas where it is needed for essential metabolic activity and survival when facing such a shortage, as may occur during a drought. When histamine and its subordinate regulators for water intake and distribution move across pain-sensing nerves in the body, they trigger strong and continual pain. These pain signals may manifest, for example, in Rheumatoid Arthritis , angina, dyspepsia, low back problems, fibromyalgia, neuralgia, migraine, and hangover headaches. They are necessary to alert the person to attend to the problem of a widespread or localized form of dehydration.
Taking analgesics or other pain-relieving medications such as antihistamines and antacids can cause irreversible damage in your body. They not only fail to address the real problem (which may be dehydration), but they also cut off the connection between the neurotransmitter, histamine, and its subordinate regulators, such as vasopressin, Renin-Angiotensin (RA), prostaglandin (PG), and kinins. Although the action of pain-killing drugs can relieve localized pain for a while, it also precludes your body from knowing the priority areas for water distribution. This can greatly confuse your body's internal communications systems and spread chaos throughout the body. Antihistamines -- oftentimes referred to as allergy drugs -- effectively prevent the body's histamines from ensuring balanced water distribution.
The problem worsens once the body has reached a certain pain threshold. In addition to jeopardizing the water-regulating mechanisms, these painkillers become ineffective because the brain takes over as a direct center for monitoring pain perpetuation (unless, of course, the body is properly hydrated again). If your body produces lasting pain for no apparent reason (not caused by an injury), before drawing any other conclusions, you should interpret this as the body's cry for water and its attempt to remedy an unbalanced condition. Prescription pain medication suppresses the body's primary signal of dehydration. Pain killers "short-circuit" the body's emergency routes for water supply; they also sabotage proper waste elimination and sow the seeds of chronic illness.
There is enough documentation to show that pain medications may have fatal side effects. They can cause gastrointestinal bleeding, which kills thousands each year. The morphine-type compounds these legal drugs contain can also lead to serious, life-altering addictions. When the famous radio host, Rush Limbaugh, announced on his radio program that he was addicted to pain medication, his life was in shambles. But he is not alone in this. There are millions of people who initially started off by taking an "innocent" Advil for the occasional headache, but ended up being unable to live without strong painkillers. Once you start using dehydrating medications like these, you will mostly likely develop the same kind or even worse pain over and over again.
The most recently documented and widely popularized side effects of pain killers, such as Vioxx, Celebrex and the over-the-counter drug Aleve (Naproxen), should tell you that there are no safe painkillers. These drugs were found to increase the risk of heart attacks and strokes by at least 50 percent. Aspirin and other "harmless" drugs belong to the same class of painkillers as the above. Today, there are millions of heart disease sufferers, who out of ignorance and misguided trust in the medical system, the FDA and the pharmaceutical industry, believed that taking a little innocent baby pill wouldn't do them any harm. The revelation that this little pill could destroy their heart or damage their brain if they took it for more than 10 days may be no less than shocking. But how many people listen to such warnings if all they want is to "get rid of that annoying pain"?
Taking a "harmless" little pill that makes you feel better within a matter of minutes and allows you to get on with your life may feel like the right thing to do. And, if the pain medicine tastes delicious, the "miracle drug" couldn't possibly do you any harm, or could it? Tylenol Extra Strength "cool caplets," the latest craze among painkilling medications, makes these dangerous drugs appear harmless. It's both a breath mint and a pain reliever. But is it really a sound idea to add the temptation of flavoring to a pain-reliever that, by the FDA's own admission, plays a role in at least 100 reported (a fraction of the real figure) unintentional deaths each year? This may change now that the scandals surrounding drug approval and the revelations concerning shoddy research are increasingly being exposed; or will it? If you were to ask people on the street if they considered acetaminophen to be a completely benign medication, most would respond with a "yes." That totally undeserved reputation may only be reinforced when mint flavoring is added to the mix.
Once you decide to end a drug addiction, life is not going to be easy. Those who are able to afford a rehabilitation treatment, can choose a rapid anesthesia detox for about $5,900. To become truly rehabilitated, though, they will need to deal with the underlying causes of the pain that originally led them to take addictive drugs. The bottom line is this: The body's natural pain signal is a perfectly normal response to an abnormal situation -- simple dehydration. In many cases, the body's blood vessel walls, liver bile ducts, lymphatic ducts, kidneys, intestinal tract, and other organs of elimination are so congested that chronic dehydration becomes inevitable. To restore health, the body needs to be cleansed and nourished properly, which is the main theme of my book.
Most people have no real understanding of what pain is. They rarely perceive it to be an important part of the body's healing efforts. Pain is always a sign of resistance to what moves or flows naturally. The resistance can occur either as a result of some physical obstruction, such as constipation or lymph congestion, or from an emotional resistance to a particular person or situation. Once recognized, the causes of resistance can usually be resolved. Fighting pain tends to lead to more pain, whereas releasing the resistance lessens the pain. Even if you experience some pain while supporting the body through cleansing, rest and good nutrition, the pain actually helps to accelerate the healing. If you stay with the pain, rather than suppressing it with drugs, you will find that it will decrease naturally in a matter of hours or a few days. Trying to combat every ache or pain with painkillers, on the other hand, is an addiction that causes much fear and more pain in your life. Feeling one's pain with an attitude of acceptance removes all kinds of fear from your life. In addition, the pain experience itself will stimulate the secretion of the body's own natural painkillers and healing hormones -- the endorphins. Overall, once you have identified and dealt with the causes of the pain, it is just a matter of time before the pain disappears altogether.
Of course, in the rare case that the pain becomes simply unbearable, the use of painkillers may be unavoidable. At the same time, the pain-afflicted person should get on a hydration and cleansing program, as well as end any dehydrating influences in his life.
"Body Drought" - The Strongest Type of Stress
The human brain, working round the clock, requires more water than any other part of the body. Typically, the brain contains about 20 percent of all the blood that circulates through the body. It is estimated that brain cells consist of 85 percent water. Their energy requirements are not only met by metabolizing glucose (simple sugar), but also by generating "hydroelectric" energy from the water drive through cell osmosis. The brain depends greatly on this cell-generated source of energy in order to maintain its hugely complex processes and efficiency.
Water deficiency in the brain tissue cuts down the brain's energy supply, and thereby subdues many of its vital functions -- a situation most people call depression. With a lower than normal level of brain energy, you are unable to meet your physical, personal and social challenges and subsequently succumb to fear, anxiety, anger and other emotional tribulations. You may feel drained, lethargic, stressed and depressed. Chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS), for example, is mostly a symptom of progressive brain dehydration that results from the inability to readily remove all metabolic waste matter and cellular debris from the brain and other vital parts of the body. What Chronic-Fatigue-Syndrome sufferers refer to as "brain fog" is actually an accurate description of the congestion that occurs in the brain. Chronic-Fatigue-Syndrome is not a vicious disease that somehow gets hold of a person for no apparent reason. It may disappear quite spontaneously when the afflicted person stops stimulating the brain with such things as caffeine, tobacco, medication and animal products and begins a consistent program of cleansing, hydrating, and nourishing the body. [For more information on Chronic Fatigue Syndrome and Fibromyalgia Syndrome (FMS), please see the articles page on the author's website, (]
The Stress Response
When dehydrated, the body has to put up the fight of a lifetime -- similar to the one experienced during a famine or a "fight or flight" situation. It responds to such a crisis by mobilizing several powerful hormones, including adrenalin, endorphins, cortisone, prolactin, vasopressin, and Renin-Angiotensin (RA). Endorphins, for example, help us to withstand pain and stress and allow the body to continue most of its activities. Cortisone orders the mobilization of stored energies and essential raw materials to supply the body with energy and basic nutrients during the crisis. This hormone actually allows the body to feed off itself, a situation that is warranted during a famine. Of course, this is also very stressful and potentially dangerous for the body, as can be seen by such emotional expressions as, "I cannot cope anymore," or "This is really eating at me."
Many patients with Rheumatoid Arthritis , multiple sclerosis (MS) or other degenerative diseases take cortisone drugs, which often give them a boost of energy and morale for a relatively short period of time. The "success" of the drug, however, only lasts for as long as the body can tap into any energy and nutrient reserves still left. Once the body has used up its emergency provisions, it will barely function anymore, and the symptoms of disease will worsen considerably.
Constriction of blood vessels
When the cells in the body are under-supplied with water, the brain's pituitary gland produces the neurotransmitter vasopressin, a hormone that has the ability to constrict blood vessels in areas where there is cellular dehydration. During dehydration, the quantity of water in the bloodstream is reduced. Vasopressin, as its name suggests, squeezes the vascular system, i.e., the capillaries and arteries, to reduce their fluid volume. This maneuver is necessary to continue having enough pressure in the vascular system to allow for a steady filtration of water into the cells. This gives vasopressin a hypertensive property. High blood pressure is a common experience among people who are dehydrated. A similar situation occurs in the liver's bile ducts, which begin to constrict in response to water shortage in the body. Gallstone formation is a direct result of dehydration.
Drinking alcoholic beverages suppresses the secretion of vasopressin and thereby increases cellular dehydration. If alcohol consumption is excessive, cellular dehydration may reach dangerously high levels. The typical "hangover" that occurs after alcohol abuse is nothing but an extreme state of dehydration of the brain cells. To survive the alcohol-induced "drought," the body has to secrete more stress hormones, among them the addictive endorphins. With regular consumption of alcohol, that is, having a drink every day for several months or years, dehydration increases even further, and endorphin production becomes an addictive occurrence. This may lead to alcoholism, a disease that has devastating consequences on a person's personal and social life.
Water Retention and Kidney Damage
The Renin-Angiotensin (RA) system becomes activated whenever there is a shortage of water in the body. This brilliantly designed system is used to direct the body to hold on to water wherever possible. It instructs the kidneys to inhibit urination and tightens the capillaries and the vascular system, particularly in areas that are not as vitally important as the brain and the heart muscles. At the same time, it stimulates an increase in the absorption of sodium (salt), which helps the body to retain water. Unless the body returns to its normal level of hydration, the RA system remains activated. But this also means that the pressure of the blood against the walls of the blood vessels remains abnormally high, thereby causing the damage that is known as cardiovascular disease.
Hypertension and the retention of urine in the kidneys may lead to kidney damage. Conventional treatments for this condition consist mostly of diuretic (urine-forming) drugs and restricted salt consumption. Both can have severe drawbacks. Diuretic drugs, which are used to normalize blood pressure, as well as reduced salt intake, strongly undermine the body's emergency measures to save the little water it has left for normal cellular activities. The resulting stress response causes a further increase in dehydration, and the vicious cycle is complete. Many of the kidney transplants performed today are a result of chronic dehydration, which is caused by something as simple as not drinking enough water, consumption of alcohol, eating foods high in animal protein, or overstimulation of the nervous system.
The Caffeine and Alcohol Drama
The caffeine contained in such beverages as tea, coffee, soft drinks and most power drinks, not only stimulates and stresses both the central nervous and immune systems, but also acts as a powerful diuretic. For every cup of coffee or tea you drink, your body has to relinquish up to three cups of water to remove the toxic caffeine. It cannot afford to give up this water without suffering some sort of damage. The caffeine-containing soft drink beverages work in a similar way. Caffeine, being a nerve toxin, stimulates the adrenal glands to secrete stress hormones and to trigger a strong immune response that may give you the false impression that this newly found energy and vitality was somehow provided by the consumed beverage.
The secret behind these stimulants is that the immune reaction mobilizes enough energy for you to feel perked up and clear-headed, at least for as long as your body remains stimulated. To remove the caffeine from the blood, the body is forced to take water from its cells. This results in cellular dehydration and temporary thinning of the blood. Because the thinning of the blood makes you feel good, you won't notice the imminent danger of dehydration. The dehydrating effect of the caffeine in soft drinks is ample reason to avoid them. Unfortunately, caffeine is not the only culprit in soft drinks.
Soft Drinks May Seriously Harm Your Health
New evidence confirms that soft drinks cause serious cell damage. Research from a British university suggests a common preservative found in drinks such as Coca-Cola, Fanta and Pepsi Max has the ability to switch off vital parts of DNA -- a problem more usually associated with aging and alcohol abuse. This can eventually lead to cirrhosis of the liver and degenerative diseases such as Parkinson's. The findings reveal serious consequences for the hundreds of millions of people worldwide who consume carbonated beverages. They also reopen the debate about food additives , which have been linked to hyperactivity in children.
The biggest concern centers on the safety of E211, known as sodium benzoate, a preservative used for decades by the $150 billion global carbonated drinks industry. Sodium benzoate derives from benzoic acid . It is used in large quantities to prevent mold from forming in soft drinks such as Sprite, Oasis and Dr Pepper. This common preservative is also added to pickles and sauces.
In the past, sodium benzoate had already been identified as an indirect cause of cancer. When mixed with the additive vitamin C in soft drinks, it produces benzene, a carcinogenic substance. Now, Dr. Peter Piper, professor of molecular biology and biotechnology at Sheffield University, England, has released the results of his research on the impact of sodium benzoate on living yeast cells in his laboratory. Professor Piper discovered that benzoate damaged an important area of DNA in the "power station" of cells known as the mitochondria. He told The Independent on Sunday, May 27, 2007: "These chemicals have the ability to cause severe damage to DNA in the mitochondria to the point that they totally inactivate it: they knock it out altogether. The mitochondria consumes the oxygen to give you energy and if you damage it -- as happens in a number of diseased states -- then the cell starts to malfunction very seriously. And there is a whole array of diseases that are now being tied to damage to this DNA -- Parkinson's and quite a lot of neuro-degenerative diseases, but above all, the whole process of aging."
While referring to outdated tests done by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration and the World Health Organization, Professor Piper said, "The food industry will say these compounds have been tested and they are completely safe. By the criteria of modern safety testing, the safety tests were inadequate. Like all things, safety testing moves forward and you can conduct a much more rigorous safety test than you could 50 years ago."
It is obvious that the government is not going to take a stand against the powerful food and beverage industry. It is up to everyone to protect themselves and their families against the careless policies and practices of those in charge of public health. Not allowing your children to drink soft drinks is one of the most important things you can do for their safety and good health. The same applies to sport drinks, which according to a report issued by the University of Californian in Berkeley can raise body weight a stunning 13 pounds each year if only one 20-ounce bottle is consumed each day.
A new study conducted at Boston University School of Medicine (released August 2007) shows that drinking as little as one can of soda -- regular or diet -- per day is associated with a 46 percent increased risk of metabolic syndrome which plays a major role in heart disease and diabetes. According to the study, other harmful side effects of soda, both diet and regular, include:
* A 31% greater risk of becoming obese.
* A 30% higher risk of having a larger waist line.
* A 25% higher risk of developing high blood triglycerides or high blood sugar.
* A 32% greater risk of having low levels of good cholesterol.
* A trend toward an increased risk of high blood pressure.
Over the long term, the effects of the acidity, sugars, artificial flavors and sweeteners, and such preservatives as E211 contained in soft drinks can be devastating to the body. It would take 32 glasses of water at an alkaline pH of 9 to neutralize the acid from just one 12 oz. cola or other soda. In response to ingesting a cola, apart from risking dehydration, the body will have to use up reserves of its own stored alkaline buffers, mainly calcium from the bones, teeth and DNA. This raises the body's alkalinity levels in order to maintain proper blood alkaline pH levels. Once these reserves are exhausted, your life is at risk. There are enough acids in one soda to kill you, if your body didn't possess a mechanism to neutralize them. How long it takes before your body succumbs to the acid attack and suffers an acidosis depends upon how soon your mineral buffers are depleted. Acidic blood levels are a leading cause of death!
Caffeine, which is a major component in most soft drinks, removes water from the body faster than the body can absorb it again, thereby generating constant thirst. People who frequently drink soft drinks are never really able to quench their thirst because their bodies continually and increasingly run out of cellular water. Some college students drink as many as 10-14 cans of cola a day. Eventually, they confuse their bodies' never-ending thirst signal with hunger and begin to overeat, causing swelling and excessive weight gain. Apart from its diuretic action and its addictive effects on the brain, regular caffeine intake overstimulates the heart muscles, causing exhaustion and heart disease.
Alcohol's diuretic effect on the body is similar to that of caffeine-containing beverages. For example, drinking one glass of beer results in the body forfeiting up to three glasses of water. As mentioned before, a hangover is the result of alcohol abuse, which causes the brain to suffer severe dehydration. If this occurs repeatedly, a large number of brain cells become damaged and die. As a result, many important brain functions slow down or become depressed. Recovery is possible to a certain extent if alcohol consumption is discontinued. To properly rehydrate the body, please carefully follow the directions in Drinking Water — The Greatest Therapy, Chapter 6 (of Timeless Secrets of Health and Rejuvenation).
Check out Dangers of Dehydration Part II for information on how to recognize and remove kidney stones, kidney grease, and kidney congestion naturally, and what this can do to help heal nearly every ailment. The above article was excerpted from the author's bestselling book, Timeless Secrets of Health and Rejuvenation (, .
The Dangers of Dehydration (Part I)
Andreas Moritz is a medical intuitive; a practitioner of Ayurveda, iridology, shiatsu, and vibrational medicine; a writer; and an artist. He is the author of the international bestseller, The Amazing Liver and Gallbladder Flush; Timeless Secrets of Health and Rejuvenation, Lifting the Veil of Duality, Cancer Is Not a Disease, It's Time to Come Alive, Heart Disease No More, Diabetes No More, Simple Steps to Total Health, Diabetes—No More, Ending the AIDS Myth and Heal Yourself with Sunlight. For more information, visit the author's website:
(NaturalNews) The kidneys truly are the body’s “master chemists.” They not only remove waste products and excess fluids from the body via the urine, but they also maintain a critical balance of salt, potassium and acid -- not a small feat for such relatively small organs. The kidneys produce a hormone -- erythropoietin (EPO) -- that stimulates the production of red blood cells. Other kidney hormones help regulate blood pressure and calcium metabolism. The kidneys even synthesize the hormones that control tissue growth. When the kidneys become damaged, other organs suffer as well.
kidney stones - A Cause of Many Ailments
The main responsibility of the kidneys is to keep the blood pure and healthy and to maintain proper fluid balance in the body. To accomplish this enormously complex feat, the kidneys need to constantly monitor normal blood volume and filter out the right quantity of urine. There are many interfering factors that could disrupt this mechanism and cause congestion in the kidneys. These factors include overstimulation, dehydration, fatigue, overeating, consuming highly processed foods, gallstones, blood pressure disturbance, digestive disorders (especially constipation), prescription or narcotic drugs and vitamin supplements.
When the kidneys are not able to separate the necessary amounts of urine from the blood, part of the urine keeps circulating around the body, thereby depositing urinary waste products in the blood vessels, joints, tissues and organs. This implies that fluids and waste products are trapped in the body and begin to accumulate. The ultimate result is potentially extreme swelling and symptoms of uremia (an overload of toxic byproducts) or kidney failure. Many skin diseases, strong Body Odor , sweating of the palms and feet, water retention, lymph congestion, abdominal swelling, rapid weight gain, weakness, high blood pressure and other disorders, are all indications of toxic blood caused, to a large degree, by the presence of obstructive urinary deposits, such as sand crystals and stones, in the kidneys.
Stones in the kidneys start off as tiny crystals and can eventually become as large as an egg. The tiny crystals are too small to be detected by x-rays, and since they do not cause pain, they are rarely noticed. Yet they are big enough to block the flow of liquid through the tiny kidney tubules. Crystals or stones are formed in the kidneys when urinary constituents, which are normally in solution, are precipitated. Precipitation results when these particles occur in excessive amounts or when urine becomes too concentrated. The crystalline particles or stones usually have very sharp edges or angles. Once released by the kidneys along with the urine, they may cut and wear away the inner surface of the urinary canal (ureter) during their passage to the urinary bladder. This can cause severe pain in the loins and/or lower back. There may even be blood in the urine, pain running down the legs, numbness in the thighs and difficulty in passing urine.
Most crystals or stones originate in the kidneys, although some may also be formed in the bladder. If a large stone enters one of the two ureters, urinary discharge becomes obstructed. This can lead to serious complications, such as kidney infection or failure. Regardless of where in the kidneys the blockage occurs, it restricts their ability to remove and regulate water and chemicals, causing these delicate organs to suffer injury. The kidneys' various functions may be affected separately, so urine output may seem to be normal despite significant kidney disease.
The Types of Stones and Their Effects
The most common solutes involved in the formation of crystals and stones are oxalates, phosphates, urates, uric acid and the amino acids cystine and cysteine. Eight varieties of crystals or stones can be formed from these solutes, for various reasons.
Foods or beverages that contain large amounts of oxalic acid cause oxalate stones. A cup of regular tea (not green or herb tea) contains about 20 mg of oxalic acid, which is far too much for the kidneys to excrete. Initially, the body uses calcium to neutralize the acid. By doing so, oxalic acid turns to calcium oxalate. If tea drinking becomes a regular habit, any excessive calcium oxalate in the kidneys is deposited in the form of tiny crystals. Chocolate, cocoa beverages and chocolate ice cream are also high in oxalates. Anyone who has consumed or now consumes these foods on a regular basis may be growing oxalate stones in the kidneys, especially children whose kidneys are still very small and delicate. Also, if you ingested over 200mg of Vitamin C per day, some of it would be converted into oxalate. Except for a tiny amount that is actually used by the body, the rest would be excreted in the gut and urine. Vitamin C is not as harmless as many believe it is, especially in its synthetic and isolated form.
Uric acid crystals make up another type of kidney stone. Uric acid is a waste product that is formed from purines in food. Foods with the highest purine content are:
* Tea
* Beef
* Bacon
* Calf tongue
* Carp
* Chicken and Chicken soup
* Codfish
* Duck
* Goose
* Halibut
* Sardines, canned
* Liver
* Kidneys
* Heart
* Meat extract, broths
* Salmon, canned
* Gravies
* Scallops
* Herring
* Smelt
* Roe
* Liver sausage
* Meat soups
* Perch
* Pike
* Pork
* Rabbit
* Mutton
* Shellfish
* Trout
* Turkey
* Veal
* Yeast
* Sweetbread
* Anchovies
* Lentils
As you can see from the list, protein foods derived from animals and fish make up the bulk of uric acid-generating foods. Once the proteins are broken down in the liver, the uric acid is passed on to the kidneys for excretion with the urine. If the kidneys are unable to remove all the uric acid, its concentration in the blood rises. As a result, the extra uric acid is deposited first in those areas of the body that have the poorest circulation and oxygen supply, that is, the toes of the feet or fingers of the hands. These deposits of uric acid and other harmful substances in the toes and fingers can make the joints rigid, stiff and unbending. (Check particularly the small toes of your feet, which show the condition of the bladder.)
Naturally, wherever waste products are stored inside or outside the body, specialized bacteria will also be present to help break them down. Accordingly, any deposits of uric acid in the body attract certain aerobic bacteria to decompose this waste product into ammonia. If the bacteria feeding on the uric acid crystals invade these waste-saturated tissues in sufficient numbers, inflammation and pain result. Gout and arthritic conditions are the most common symptoms of this involuntary “cleansing response.” The uric acid crystals in the toes are made from the same material as the uric acid stones in the kidneys.
A similar situation may occur in the heels. Heel spurs are due to deposits of uric acid and various phosphates. The uric acid attracts bacteria, leading to pain, and the phosphates are responsible for causing rigid and hard structures. Swelling or edema around the foot or ankle, caused by poor kidney and adrenal functions, may accompany this condition.
As discussed earlier, the kidneys and adrenal glands regulate water and salt levels throughout the body. If their functions are subdued due to stones in the kidneys, your body may thus be holding water in the feet, legs, abdomen, face, arms and organs.
Many kidney stones are formed as a result of insufficient water intake and the consumption of foods or beverages that have dehydrating effects, including meat, artificial sweeteners, sugar, alcohol, tea, coffee and sodas. Also, smoking cigarettes or watching television for too many hours has a dehydrating effect on the body and causes urine to become overly concentrated. This increases the precipitation of urinary constituents.
Eating lots of strongly acid-forming foods, such as meat, fish, dairy products, baked goods, candy, Sugar and the like, forces the body to release many of its valuable minerals, thereby altering the pH (acid/alkaline balance) of the urine. This not only causes mineral deficiencies in the body, especially in the bones and teeth, but also turns the normally acidic urine filtrate alkaline. In alkaline urine, other substances may be precipitated, including phosphates.
Phosphate stones are formed, in particular, from eating too many foods that are high in phosphate and low in calcium, such as meat, processed breakfast cereals, breads, pasta and nuts, as well as all carbonated beverages. To neutralize the highly acidic phosphate, which could easily burn the delicate kidneys, the body leaches extra amounts of calcium from the bones and teeth and uses whatever magnesium it can obtain from such foods as green vegetables. As mentioned earlier, it takes over two gallons of water to neutralize the acidity of one can of soda. So be kind to your kidneys and substitute water for any soda you may be in the habit of drinking.
The presence of phosphates generates an acidic environment in the body, which literally dissolves bones, leading to osteoporosis and shrinkage of the body frame. It also causes tooth destruction, coronary heart disease, digestive disorders, cancer, and any other diseases that are related to calcium deficiency. A person who eliminates more than 150 mg of calcium with his or her urine in a 24 hour period -- an emergency measure taken by the body to combat excessive acidity -- is in the process of rapidly dissolving the bones. Some of the calcium combines with the phosphates, forming various calcium phosphate crystals, which can lead to hardening of the arteries and common arthritis.
Please also be aware that excessive sodium chloride (table salt) in the diet predisposes a person to kidney stones. In addition, for every gram of sodium chloride that your body cannot get rid of, your body uses 23 times the amount of water to neutralize the salt, which can lead to fluid retention, unsightly cellulite, arthritis, gout, rheumatism and gallstones. This is primarily an issue for people who mostly dine on prepared foods (90 percent of Americans), which are loaded with table salt (very toxic). The average American eats 4,000 to 6,000 mg of sodium chloride each day. Unrefined salt does not have the same effect, though. In fact, real salt is an essential nutrient without which the body would become seriously ill.
Why Do a Kidney Cleanse?
More than twenty million Americans suffer from kidney problems. These problems include urinary tract infections (UTIs), kidney stones, kidney cancer, polycystic kidney disease (PKD), nephrotic syndrome and genetic disorders. The kidneys make a tremendous effort in their attempts to keep the blood clear of toxic substances such as lead, cadmium, mercury and other heavy metals (although these are difficult to pass). The kidneys also maintain fluid and electrolyte balance and regulate the pressure that the heart creates to force the blood through their filtering system. kidney stones greatly undermine these vital functions, which may further increase the chance of accumulating heavy metals in the body and raise its general level of toxicity. This may lead to infection, high blood pressure, heart disease, brain disorders, cancer and many other imbalances.
The following signs indicate the presence of crystals and stones in the kidneys or bladder:
* A dark or whitish color under the eyes.
* Puffy or swollen eyes, particularly in the morning.
* Deep wrinkles under and around the eyes.
* Tiny whitish, tan-colored or dark lumps under the eyes, which can be felt or made visible when stretching the skin outward toward the cheekbones.
* Overlapping of the upper eyelid.
* Chronic pain in the lower back.
* Swelling of feet and legs.
* Constant fear or anxiety.
In the proper amounts, a number of herbs, e.g., Marjoram, Cat's Claw, Comfrey Root, Fennel Seed, Chicory Herb, Uva Ursi, Hydrangea Root, Gravel Root, Marshmallow Root, an Golden Rod Herb, can effectively dissolve kidney stones within a period of three to six weeks. (See the updated kidney cleanse protocol in Chapter 7, Employing Nature’s Healing Powers, of the author's book, Timeless Secrets of Health and Rejuvenation.) Those of you who follow the author's liver and gallbladder protocol are recommend to do a kidney cleanse every 3-4 liver flushes. (See details in The Amazing Liver and Gallbladder Flush, by Andreas Moritz .) You can mail order/purchase the guaranteed fresh and already mixed kidney cleanse herbs from The Present Moment Herbs & Books in Minneapolis, toll free 800-378-3245 or 612-824-3157 (USA). (Regardless of whether someone has been diagnosed with kidney stones or not, doing a kidney cleanse once or twice a year has tremendous curative and preventive benefits. The kidney cleanse not only improves overall physical health, but also reduces stress, fear and anxieties.)
The above article is an excerpt from the author's bestselling book, Timeless Secrets of Health and Rejuvenation, available at ( and ( .
About the author
Andreas Moritz is a medical intuitive; a practitioner of Ayurveda, iridology, shiatsu, and vibrational medicine; a writer; and an artist. He is the author of The Amazing Liver and Gallbladder Flush, Timeless Secrets of Health and Rejuvenation, Lifting the Veil of Duality, Cancer Is Not a Disease, It’s Time to Come Alive, Heart Disease No More, Diabetes No More, Simple Steps to Total Health, Diabetes—No More, Ending the AIDS Myth and Heal Yourself with Sunlight. For more information, visit the author’s website (
The Dangers of Dehydration (Part II)
kidney stones can form anywhere in the entire urinary tract (kidney, bladder, the ducts in-between, or the ureter), and primarily occur because of calcium (oxalate) and/or phosphate that has come out of solution. If left untreated, the stones can block these areas of the urinary tract, causing pain, bleeding, and other problems.
Symptoms of kidney stones include sudden and excruciating back pain that may come and go and that often radiates from the back across the abdomen and into the genital area or inner thighs. This pain can be accompanied by nausea, vomiting, abdominal bloating, possible blood in the urine, pain on urination, and chills and fever. Stones in the urinary tract can be one of the most painful conditions, similar to the pain of childbirth.
In some cases, there may be no symptoms, depending on where the stone is located and its size.
What To Consider
One in every 1,000 adults is hospitalized each year in the US because of kidney stones. kidney stones also tend to be recurring, typically reforming within seven years.
Kidney stones are more common during the summer, possibly due to concentrated urine caused by increased sweating and insufficient fluid intake. In general, mild chronic dehydration can play a role in the development of kidney stones. Chronic stress can also play a role. In addition, kidney stones may be due to genetics. If one parent had kidney stones, there is an increased risk in his or her children. Cadmium poisoning may also play a role and needs to be considered if other treatment methods fail.
Note: Kidney stones that are high in calcium may be a signal of hyperparathyroidism (excessive secretion of parathyroid hormone).
Diet: Diet alone cannot get rid of the stones. Higher-than-normal levels of oxalate related to a diet high in oxalic containing foods, such as rhubarb, spinach, leafy vegetables, and coffee, can promote kidney stone formation. High levels of dietary refined carbohydrates can also cause kidney stones. Sugar stimulates the pancreas to release insulin, causing increased calcium excretion through the urine. Other dietary factors that cause increased calcium excretion in the urine and promote stone formation are increased intakes of coffee, colas, acid-forming diets (such as high protein and grains), insufficient water intake, and excessive salt consumption. Soft drinks containing phosphoric acid can also encourage the formation of kidney stones and should be completely eliminated.
The most important dietary actions are to increase your intake of pure filtered water, fiber, and green vegetables, and reduce refined Sugar consumption. Foods that are helpful in decreasing kidney stone formation include cranberries, black cherries, rice bran, kombucha tea. In addition to avoiding sugar, also avoid or reduce your intake of salt, dairy products, caffeine, alcohol, refined carbohydrates, nuts, chocolate, pepper, and animal proteins.
Nutritional Supplementation: Helpful nutrients include: magnesium, vitamin B6, vitamin C ( keep your total daily intake below 6 grams to avoid increasing oxalate formation), vitamin A, proteolytic enzymes (away from meals), raw kidney glandulars, fat-soluble chlorophyll, lipoic acid, and the amino acids glutamic acid, lysine, and methionine.
Aromatherapy: Hyssop and juniper essential oils can be helpful.
Ayurveda: Cumin, coriander, and fennel tea. Drink one cup three times a day.
Herbs: Combine the tinctures of gravel root, cornsilk, wild yam, and blackhaw in equal parts and take one teaspoon of this mixture three times a day. Or drink one cup of an infusion of nettle three times a day. Other useful herbs include uva ursi, horsetail, and dandelion root.
Homeopathy: Berberis, and Sarsaparilla are both useful homeopathic remedies.
Hydrotherapy: Constitutional hydrotherapy of alternating hot and cold water packs applied two to five times weekly, and a hot pack applied to the abdomen and lower back several times a day can help relieve and prevent flare-ups of pain.
Juice Therapy: The following juices can help stimulate the overall health of the urinary tract and potentially flush out the stones: lemon juice; carrot, beet, and cucumber juice with a dash of garlic and/or horseradish; and/or cranberry and Watermelon juice.
(The above information is adapted from Alternative Medicine: The Definitive Guide, co-written and edited by Larry Trivieri, Jr.)
The Health Plus Letter, February 9, Vol. 8, No. 4. Copyright © 2010 by Larry Trivieri, Jr.
All rights reserved
(NaturalNews) While many herbs are popular for liver and colon health, the best herbs for kidney maintenance are not as well known in Western medicine. Those suffering nausea, loss of appetite, stunted growth, dry skin, sleep disorders, concentration problems, or puffy eyes should consider a kidney flush. This article will review five plants traditionally used to promote and maintain kidney health.
The Top Five
1) Couch grass - Agropyron repens (Gramineae)
A vigorous perennial harvested throughout the year, couch grass is found on every continent except Africa. Couch grass contains polysaccharides (including triticin), volatile oil (including agropyrene), mucilage and other nutrients. Used medicinally since about 25 AD, couch grass increases urine production and treats urinary tract infections such as cystitis and urethritis. Couch grass relieves and even partially dissolves kidney stones. Couch grass (considered an invasive weed in many areas) can treat an enlarged prostate. The fresh juice can treat liver problems such as jaundice. The root can be roasted and ground as a coffee substitute. Couch grass has diuretic, demulcent and antibacterial properties.
2) Green tea - Camellia sinensis (Zingiberaceae)
Native to the Orient, green tea has been consumed for thousands of years. The young, unfermented leaves of the green tea plant contain compounds known as polyphenols (plant antioxidants), which inhibit kidney stones and prevent cancers of the prostate, ovaries, liver, breast and colon. Green tea also helps the liver by reducing fatty deposits. Known to encourage improvement of the heart, circulatory system, brain, pancreas and liver, green tea also assists with weight loss by strengthening the metabolism via thermogenesis (an increase in body temperature that helps break down fat). Green tea also reduces cholesterol and is used as a heart tonic. Green tea is a stimulant (containing caffeine) and has anti-inflammatory, astringent and diuretic properties.
3) Java tea - Orthosiphon aristata (Labiatae)
A shrub with lilac colored flowers, java tea is native to Asia and Australia. The leaves of java tea (also known as kidney tea and cat whisker plant) are used medicinally. Java tea contains flavones (including sinensetin), glycoside (including orthosiphonin), volatile oil and large amounts of potassium. Java tea is listed in French, Indonesian, Dutch and Swiss pharmacopoeias as a remedy for kidney ailments. Thought to increase the kidney's ability to eliminate nitrogen-containing compounds, java tea treats kidney stones, kidney infections and renal function. Java tea has diuretic properties.
4) Rehmannia - Rehmannia gultinosa (Scrophulariaceae)
A perennial with large sticky leaves and purple flowers, rehmannia is the most important herb for kidney and adrenal health in Chinese medicine (where it is called di huang) . Rehmannia root is used medicinally and it contains phytosterols and antioxidants (including rehmannin), along with iridoid glycosides (including catapol). Rehmannia is primarily used as a kidney tonic and also to detoxify the liver and to treat hepatitis. Rehmannia treats autoimmune disorders such as lupus, Rheumatoid Arthritis , multiple sclerosis and fibromyalgia. Rehmannia helps treat hair loss, respiratory disorders, menopause and other hormone related disorders. Rehmannia has diuretic properties.
5) Uva ursi - Arctostaphylos uva-ursi (Ericaceae)
Also known as bearberry, uva-ursi is a low-lying evergreen shrub native to Europe and even found in the Arctic. The leaves are gathered in autumn along with the berries. Uva-ursi contains hydroquinones (including arbutin - up to 17%), tannins (15%), phenolic glycosides and flavonoids. Uva-ursi is one of the best urinary antiseptics. Used extensively in herbal medicine since the 2nd century, uva-ursi is primarily used to help disinfect and astringe the kidneys. Uva-ursi was also traditionally smoked along with tobacco. Uva-ursi has antiseptic and antibacterial properties. Note: uva-ursi should not be used by pregnant women or for more than 7-10 days at a time. While promoting kidney health, uva-ursi should not be used to treat existing kidney infections.
The Encyclopedia of Medicinal Plants - Dorling Kindersley and Andrew Chevallier
More on Kidney herbs
More on Green tea
More on Java tea
More on Rehmannia
More on Uva-ursi
Kidney Warning Signs
About the author
Kirk Patrick has studied natural medicine for over a decade and has helped many people heal themselves.
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Top Five Herbs that Promote Kidney Health
The urinary tract consists of the kidneys, bladder, ureters and the urethra. The kidneys function is to remove waste from the blood and regulate fluid levels. The kidneys process about 200 quarts of water per day and excrete about 2 quarts of waste products and extra water through the bladder per day in the form of urine.
Urinary tract infections (UTIs) are the second most common type of infections in the body and account for over 8 million doctor visits per year. UTIs can happen anywhere in the urinary tract, but most common is the bladder. Women are more likely to develop a UTI than men. One in five women will suffer from a UTI and about 20% of those will likely have another bladder infection.
Symptoms of a urinary tract infection may include cloudy urine, foul smelling urine, a reddish color if blood is present, painful or burning sensation during urination, frequent urge to urinate, and a low grade fever.
If the infection reaches the kidneys, other symptoms may appear such as pain in the lower back or side, nausea and vomiting, chills or fever, tired or general ill feeling.
Herbal treatment for UTIs: In her book Dr. Mom's Healthy Living, Sandra Ellis says she has never seen the following treatment fail: Take 2 capsules of Dr. Christopher's Kidney Formula with 1 capsule Solaray Cranactin 3 times a day and drink a gallon of distilled water per day.
Sandra says "There is an ingredient in cranberries that keeps the bacteria from adhering to the bladder wall, the kidney formula kills the infection, and the gallon of distilled water flushes it out."
Dr. Christopher's Infection formula can be added to the above treatment if necessary. Take 4 capsules 3 times a day. Other herbs that could help with a bladder infection include dandelion which acts as a diuretic and blood purifier; buchu which helps relieve the burning sensation; uva ursi which is a strong diuretic and helps to dissolve stones; marshmallow root to help soothe the irritation; astragalus to boost the immune system; garlic to fight infection and boost immune function; cranberry juice, rose hips, yarrow, couch grass, juniper berries, corn silk, and hydrangea root to dissolve stones.
Prevention is the key - especially if a person has experienced a bladder infection in the past. Don't resist the urge to urinate, and make sure the bladder is completely empty each time. Wipe from front to back to prevent bacteria around the anus from entering the vagina or urethra. Take showers instead of baths. Drink a gallon of distilled water every day. Eliminate sodas, sugary drinks and processed foods. Eat more green foods (try a green smoothie) and fresh fruits and vegetables. Carrot juice, lemon juice and apple cider vinegar are all good to help change the Ph of the body to more alkaline. Disease can't grow in an alkaline environment.
If you are looking for the herbal remedies recommended in this article you can find herb shops we recommend on
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