Hello there, I am here just to help you all as i suffered from this problem for some years and i found the solution.
To all those who think this is a joke or im going to talk about salt water or some rubbish like that you are wrong. I have tried all that before but as you already know it only treats the symptoms and not the cause. I have the cure to this disease FROM ITS CAUSE and im 100% serious i will just give it to you for free to help you all.
Seborrheic Dermatitis is 100% caused by bad digestion. Most of you most probably suffer from bloating / constipation aswell as seb derm, But you probably dont know this because you are so used to it and you havent realised it.
Seborrheic Dermatitis doesnt just appear out of nowhere, it takes time to happen and so you have probably had bad digestion for years before
Seborrheic Dermatitis caused problems for you. You probably suffer from tiredness etc aswell. I will tell you how to cure bad digestion. The bad digestion is caused by BAD BREATHING HABITS. AND THIS IN TURN IS CAUSED BY BAD POSTURE. FIX YOUR POSTURE AND BREATHING AND YOUR SEB DERM WILL BE CURED I GURANTEE YOU THIS IM ONLY HELPING YOU BECAUSE I FOUND THIS OUT MYSELF.
It has 100% nothing to do with what you eat. Its how your body treats the food you eat. If you dont chew your food properly and breathe while you eat youll get seb derm. I had this problem for years trust me its the cure.
Yoga will help breathing problems. Your posture is not correct and this causes breathing to be difficult so you arent taking deep breaths. you dont know this because you are so used to the posture that you're in, most porbably caused by excessive computer usage or driving. BELIEVE ME THIS IS THE CURE. There is too much gas in your body and thats why you get seborrheic dermatitis.
All you have to do is get off the computer for a week and just go for walks and do exercise and you'll see you wont have seborrheic dermatitis anymore. Do things in moderation and it'l be gone.
I took my time to write this because i wanted to help you guys as i seen a lot of threads with no real cure but only treatments. Thanks guys and goodbye.