I hope this helps someone- I developed my first large Bartholin Cyst about 6 months ago after failing to remove and replace my Mirena when it was due. I remembered 4 months after it expired. I will never do that again. My cyst was not painful and I didn't even know I had it until my Gyno told me and it was big! She said because it wasn't painful/infected I should leave it alone. She did give me a course of
Antibiotics because the Mirena was in me too long. Nevertheless, I wasn't going to let that cyst remain on my lady parts like that!
I researched and read every remedy posted on the internet. I decided to try Goldenseal pills, Silica 30c three times a day and warm/hot epsome salt baths three times a day. The cyst begin to drain (stinky stuff), however at a certain point my progress STOPPED. I was devastated. I just knew I would have to get that procedure with the drainage line. The postings on that procedure made it seem extremely painful.
The cyst continued to get bigger, bigger than it was before! The size of a walnut or a jawbreaker. Unable to get a quick appointment, I started researching again and I came across a post on here from a husband saying that his wife was able to get rid of her cyst after 2 years by just soaking, nothing else. So I decided to give it another try.
I soaked twice a day in hot water for a week and it began to drain again. Progress stopped again and it got bigger, the size of a grape, but I kept soaking and added 2 goldenseal pills to my bath water. It stayed the size of a grape for about two more days and low and behold it began to drain again! This morning when I felt the area while soaking it is pretty much gone.
I believe that I had more than one cyst and as one drained the next one would swell and then drain, etc. So I say to everyone do not be discouraged keep at it. I have decided that I will continue to soak for another week and start taking Silica again with goldenseal as maintenance for the next month or so. Good luck to everyone and thanks for all that shared their remedies!