First I tried to detox with some supplements I found on internet with no success.
Then I tried foot baths. Lots of people talk that water gets color because of electrolisis, which is correct. However, baths do remove something, BUT not heavy metals, at least not in significant quantities. What they removed from me were electrolites and I got symptoms such as dry fingers after thaking them. No effect on chelation.
Then started Andy Cutler protocol and I can say I HATE IT! I have gettting at night and taking ALA every3 hours, but most of everything I hate the obbsessed to maddness people on the Yahoo group, claiming that THIS IS THE ONLY PROPER WAY TO CHELATE, AND WHATEVER ELSE YOU TRY WILL MAKE YOU SICK OR AT LEAST NOT HELP YOU! THIS IS NOUNSENCE!!!
I made Cutler for around 3-4 months, saw NO EFFECT AT ALL, except, that I got gastritis from the ALA as it was too acidic and had to stop this chelation as I just had no way to continue! To add to this, there are even claims, that to some people ALA is just not being methazoblizes the same way as others and it just does not work. If you open the Yahoo group you will see tons of people, chelating for 2, 3, even 5 years with no progress!
I MIGHT would reccomend this type of chelation only to mothers whose kids are sick of authism as generally accepted as safest and CHEAPEST.
Then, I tried Dr Shades IMD, full kit, and full program for around 3 months:
What I hate about it that it is EXTREMELY EXPENSIVE! However, while taking it at least I felt I am doing something! I did 3 months, and after the 3rd month I felt very very small progress but I FELT IT.
Then I made the wors error. I decided to make it short way and started EATING tons of cilantro + chlorella and only the IMD from the Shade's kit - to bind released merciry in the guts. After 2-3 weeks I got WORSE, much worse, my condition (SEVERE CANDIDA), went to a state where intolrance to foods even grew up and which is worse, my memory and concentration were just destroyed!
Then I stopped. Few months later I started taking Metal Magic, (Chlorella and Cilantro tincture, but special), + IMD. During the whole treatment I got SEVERE symptoms, including, anger, irritability, depression, sever faitgue, photophobia, extreme irriatiblity and sensivness to sounds, insomnia, hard breathing and even more. Suddnenly, on around the 3rd week I WOKE UP WITH CLEAR MIND! CLEAR!! Like it has not been from years maybe. That was one progress which I saw. However, my main condition, food sensitivness and candida were not gone at all. Memory loss was still present as well.
Then I got gastritis. And GERD. And for GERD I read to take
Bentonite clay or any other clay. THIS WAS THE BIG ERROR! As lots of people spread on internet roumurs that clay chelate, NO, it absorbs metals, but it already come full of them when you buy it so you are GETTING more mercury when ingesting it!
Read the study on this:
Then, I got extreme symptoms of mercury, worse than ever - hard breething, numbness, tingling, feeling totally awful, and concentration, depression, and memory loss got WORSE than ever.
Now I stopped. And I finally think I know where the truth is. What both Andy Cutler and Dr Shade claim, is that mercury can not be just getten fast out of the body, this is long, compolicated process, involving a lot of patience.
(Dr Shade on Mercury:
Faster methods mobilize more mercury than you can excrete, redistribute it and you get sicker and sicker. I would not more use cilantro, for example.
So what I know is that only two proper ways of PROPER AND DEEP chelating may be Cutlers and Shades ones. I can not afford Cutlers anymore due to gastritis, and I felt real progress only from Shades ones. And I think Shade has deepest knowledge on proper chelation than anyone else.
So now I am collecting money and I will do Shade method (which is quite exoensive!) for around a year, with making hair tests every 3 or 6 months to see exact results. And most important: I will do ONLY it, no cilantro, no clays, AND NOR CHLORELLA, OR ANY OTHER ALGAE, WHICH ARE ACTUALLY SUSPECTED TO BE ALREADY FULL OF MERCURY!!!
Hope my long experience help someone. Wish you good luck AND BE PATIENT!