Ive recently been fortunate to have travelled to a rather remarkable location in the north of Thailand to conduct a ten day fast. This venue is home to a unique and distinguished signature massage unlike any other in the world. Even their other massages and treatments fall into the realm of exceptional. When stacked upon a herbal approach to juice fasting, parasite cleanses we have an exceptional rejuvenation for a ten day fast.
Im well prepared for the fast, the last few months have seen me transitioning to a strict vegan type diet, lots of fruit juices, fresh fruits and salad type meals in the evening. On top of that I have worked my way through three tubs of MH's Mens Wellness formulae over the last 4 months. Ive done a month of parasite cleanse on the PWA, followed by two months of Christopher Parasite concentrate spaced over 8 weeks, with a month in-between. The MEns Wellness formulae has impressed me to no end. Truly the Rolls Royce of the Barefoot range of herbal products. Four days into the fats, and Im finding the fast to be a very easy affair.
Over the last 36 months I have made daily use of the Barefoot Liver Gallbladder cleanse. So prior to this fast, to kick it off, I decided to do a classic clark type Epsom Salt cleanse to see if I would get any stones out. This would also give me ample evidence that the Plant Fat type method was indeed a superior method to liver flushing, and also know it was working for me. I worked my way through a text book type liver cleanse, and indeed the next morning, not a single stone to be seen. This is testimony to the theory that a diet rich in plant fats, and low in animal fats does indeed lead to the elimination of gall/liver stones prior to them creating any form of problem.
The night I ended the liver cleanse, I boarded a flight to Bangkok in Thailand, and then connected onwards to the north, finally making my destination at sunset, and already into my second day of Fasting.
Since Thailand is not famous for its oranges, I decided to try a tweaking my fast a little this time, and use coconut water from the fresh baby coconuts that are everywhere. Im well equipped, as I have brought my water distiller with me to make my herbal teas. Ive brought a stash of oregano oil, which Im taking by the capsule several times per day. Ive also got the advanced parasite kit consisting of the PWE(B), Herbal Parasite Skin Spray, and Herbal Room Spray (Nuke Em).
The thrust and intent of this fast is to get at any remnants of the infamous "rope worm", which I have had come out on previous fasts using the above three pronged approach. My intuition tells me that there is still more to get at despite previous efforts. Recent information from two Russian researchers have brought to light and named the worm or at least bits that I have seen come out in the past but been unable to identify. The Russian had found methods of their own to get this type of worm out which included eucalyptus type enemas amongst others. The other methods didn't make sense, thus I will omit them from my practice this.
The location is world famous for its signature massage which is the massage worlds version of the LBB. Abreviated CNT (Chi Ni Tsung Massage) Simply exceptional in every shape and form. Its designed to work deeply into the abdominal cavity, and facilitate the removal of both toxins and emotional accumulation in the abdominal region. (They believe the tummy region to be the second brain, and reason why we feel emotions such a fear down in that region. The massage will enormously assist the removal of debris from the bowel. The local massage is also something quite exceptional. The practitioners here often have ten years of experience with these modalities, thus quite a privilege to be under their hand.
Since the quality of sleep is important, as sleep is when the body rebuilds it self , I thought it would be interesting to get a clue as to how my sleep quality was doing. There is a small iphone app called Sleep Cycle, that maps out the quality of our nights sleep. I am using this each night, and have attached a screen shot to give you an idea of the kind of information available to you from this handy little program.
![Sleep App Sleep Quality](../upload/_A_Forums/Ask_Barefoot_Herbalist/tn-sleep.png)
So day 4 draws to an end. A non event in terms of fasting…all business as usual. Top priority is to stay out of the restaurant (their food is exceptional), show up for my daily massage, and remember to drink lots of water. LBB by the hours, Oregano every second hour, and the 3 Pronged Advanced Parasite cleanse three times per day.
The day I arrived I had a dark field blood check done. More for fun than anything else. Its being offered in ouse, so why not. This is where they get a small sample of your blood, place it under a microscope and show you what the various cells look like. Mine looks ok, again testimony to an improved diet. The practitioner shows me some of the other samples from folk around here which leaves much to be desired. Regardless, Im sure ten days of fasting will do massive amounts to clean up the blood even more. A gimmick, but nice to be able to compare before to after. If this doesnt prove the profound miracle of fasting then nothing will.
Will post the experiences of the fast as the days go by, so as to share the experience with anyone interested.