For the last 14 months I have a strange vulval burning-heat sensation.
It all started with a very very severe yeast infection. I used to have many of those about 5 years ago, then somehow they got cured and for 5 years nothing reminded me of them.
Then, I don't know why, maybe it was oral sex, maybe sex in a cold-watered mountain lake; but yeast started and it was so bad, it was hurting like hell, I was taking advil until I actually got to a doctor who gave me diflucan pill.
Severe symptoms went away, but stupid burning didn't.
Then it was on and off until after 4 months I had another re-occurence of vaginal yeast. That one I cured with 3 diflucan pills, but after that burning and stinging sensations in the vulva just stayed.
I saw many doctors, some said its yeast, gave medications, I used boric acid (3 times per week, it wasn't bad but didn't cure me).
So, my boyfriend left me because of this (he got yeast too overreacted and left).
And I still have burning, irritation and redness on vulva.
Anyone ever had this? Anyone knows what it is?
I have tested for all STD-s like 5 times; and even the ones I've never heard of, whatever each doctor said to check I did check. Still nothing helps.