You should avoid aspartame at all costs. If you have read the diet and nutrition section (section 1 of chapter 7) of Candida Crusher book, you will be familiar with the concept that sugar consumption in any form is far from a good idea if you are looking for a permanent resolution from your chronic yeast infection. Candida is always looking for an easy meal to build up and reproduce, and sugar consumption is one of the prime maintaining causes of a candida yeast infection. Recent research has discovered that blood sugar elevations occur in those who consume artificial sugars just as much as in those who consume normal sugar.
Candida yeast infections thrive with any kind of sugar, whether it is plain white sugar, raw sugar, brown sugar or artificial sugars found in diet soda drinks. Avoiding regular soda drinks as well as diet soda drinks laden with artificial sugars is a very positive step in the right direction if you want to avoid not only a candida yeast infection, but also the development of many different chronic diseases.