Thank you for sharing this great info on your forum! I live in an apartment complex but they are a series of ground level cottages each having their own front little lawns. Unbeknownst to me, in late August the gardeners for our building dug the ground and planted roses in the east right in front of my apartment. I've been having serious bad luck and a major loss of financial wealth ever since. I think it is because the 3 killings in the east was disturbed. I did have feng shui cures in place at the time - 3 chi lins in east inside my apartment. I tried to cleanse my apartment since with sage throughout and even cleansed all my feng shui cures with sage and let them sit out in the sun for 10 hours to re-energize them but still hasn't helped at all. Is there anything I can do to remedy this now? Another feng shui consultant said on their Facebook blog that there is NOTHING to do and I just need to wait for the bad luck to go away and make sure they don't disturb the ground anymore or disturb that area. I can't wait any longer and hope that happens. I've been suffering for about 6 weeks now and fear I won't be able to make my rent if things don't change very soon. I need to take action. There's got to be something I can do. Thanks and hope you have a great weekend!