Although I’ve never used synthetic enzymes, this doesn’t sound good. I’m sure I wouldn’t take them myself, but it’s your decision in the end.
While curing my own Candida infestation, I used only Swedish Digestive Bitters. These allow the body to produce its own enzymes in the type and amount needed at the time.
These herbal “bitters” come in liquid form, and you only need to use half a dropper full dropped on the back of the tongue about 5 or 10 minutes before eating a meal. This will activate the bitter nerves on the back of the tongue starting the production of the correct and natural enzymes; therefore, synthetic enzymes will not be needed.
Swedish Digestive Bitters will also cleanse and flush the liver each time they’re used. Just be sure to drink plenty of water for the flushing action of the liver to work properly.
Take care.