Bro' Nate hasn't explored all the possibilities yet.
Before any of this can even be talked about the sheople will first need to understand that all their wealth is already gone or being looted via FIAT.
In short there is nothing left to protect..
Then when they can grasp how money is currently created by both the FED and the Banks themselves you quickly begin to understand why all corporations have banking arms..
And yes, FIAT creation will need to be part of the solution with Commodity backed alternatives available. Essentially one needs to inflate out of debt and then implement Honest Money which WILL cause what we call a depression.
But that is nothing to be afraid of, FIAT feeds greed while Commodity backed 'Money' feeds stability and realism via deflation.. Deflation is a natural phenomena, the Human mind will constantly create new methods of dealing with issues which in a non FIAT system allows for things to become cheaper..
Of course in the current 'Demon Haunted World' this is impossible for some to even imagine..