MH 108
There are many local herbs in every country that are diuretic types making a person pee. Ideally those that also help dissolve accumulated rock/crystals that clog the kidneys and flesh are the best. A simple google search of each herb gives allot of info.
Teas in general are an asian thing and the weakest form of taking herbs. A south Korean Doctor we worked with many years back worked in a hospital where 5 herbalist prepared the patients daily herbal preparations----all tea bags....and when he tried 1 bottle of what we call P/W he believed it was the most potent thing he could do to treat cancer----just because he had always only been able to use herbs as "teas"...HE desperately wanted to use herbal extracts/concentrates, but soon discovered after his government pulled him in to pick up his package, that Korean being an herbal medicine country, restricted importing herbs from other countries, so he sadly returned back to prescribing "teas"..
LUCKILY in the case of the kidneys, drinking more water with the herbs makes the kidneys work more and gets the herbs to where they belong.