I've been suspecting hypo for years. I've gotten some weird symptom, on top of the obvious ones. My fingertips, for example, are really wrinkled. Like lines going vertically with the fingers. Like i don't have enough fluids, deflated fingertip pads.
The top of the toes ( all) are extremely wrinkled, like what I could expect a 90 year old persons toes might look like. Deep lines, both horizontal and vertically. I'm too embarrassed wearing flip flops, since I'm only 43. It's been like this a few years.
My toes and fingers are often cold. I freeze and they feel frozen to the touch.
My labs were within their range when I had a thyroid panel drawn last April, see my post under this one. I don't have medical insurance, so I just went to a non referral lab and had TSH, T3 and T4 done. The T4 seems too low, even though it does fall within the lab range
Free T4 0,92 ( ref 0,89-1,76). units: ng/dl
Free T3 3,5 ( 2,3- 5,0). units: pg/ml
TSH 1,10 ( 0,40- 4,0). units: ulU/ml
I didn't have any doctors look at this, since they weren't abnormal. But after reading up on the interpretation of thyroid panels, I understand one can still be very hypo regardless of "normal" values.
What should I do? I can't afford seeking the advice of a Doctor and I feel he wouldn't help me anyways due to the results. Should I start take kelp supplements? I'm so sick and tired of feeling so sick and tired.
Does any hypo sufferer here recognize any of these weird "wrinkle" symptoms? My fingernails are also very brittle and flake. I don't have any half-moons ( lunuars?) except on my thumbs. I do have all my eyebrows, but started to get extremely dry, brittle, crunchy and straw like hair last spring. As well as enormous hair loss all summer.
I did get an infected tooth last April that required
Antibiotics and a root canal, which might have contributed to my ( suspected) Telogen Effluvium.
Hoping for help and answers! Thank you!