Published on Sep 7, 2013
This report is based on recent information, secured by me within the past few days, regarding specific additional details provided by my contacts, executive management
board members of the Andromeda Council, including Tania the Vice-Chairwoman of the Council, and the commander of the primary Andromeda Council biosphere regarding -
what the media is calling: "Comet Ison".
My contacts on the Andromeda Council call this celestial object - the biosphere: "Xanterexx". And it is headed toward Earth space.
Tolec: Setting Things Straight
Things have gone a little bit strange & Tolec intends to straighten it out. What has been said & who has said it.
Concerning Tannath of the Silver Legion, things have shifted from a good positive relationship to one that has gone South, so to speak... Tolec doesn't quite understand.
Tolec explains: Tannath & Tanah as well as Drake & some other people has alleged that Tolec is working for the "bad" guys, i.e. the Reptilians (a.k.a. Velon). Tanah, who is a.k.a "Sunfire", and Tannath, both believe that Tolec is possessed. Tolec assures that he is not possessed, and his contacts with the Andromeda Council members ("who are executive management board members") are the same people he has been communicating with since September, 2010, nonstop. They have always been consistent. And since his relationship has remained the same, hence Tolec concludes that he is not working for the "bad guys"... not working for the Draco Reptilians or the Hydra. "And that these people (Drake, Tannath & Tanah) have made it personal, they are attacking my sanity."
Anyways, that is how the youtube interview kicks-off.
Excerpt from:
Inter-Galactic War
By:Chris Thomas
Date: Mon, 30 Sep 2013
**The Oa**
"Not a huge amount is known about the activity of the Oa – they seem to have kept themselves very much in the background until fairly recently. Along with the Mila (see later), the Oa began their approach to humans by contacting channels on the island of Hawaii. The Oa seem to have taken on a watching and advisory role but also one where they claim to have access to “higher” legal authority.
They began by claiming to be advanced beings from the Orion star system.
This, in itself is an anomaly as Orion is the gateway in and out of our solar system to the larger part of the Universe where the six non-physical races originate. The Oa, by way of being a Velon faction and therefore one of the seven semi-physical races, can only access our solar system through the gateway of Draco. They, of course, were calling themselves the Orion Council who had access to memories of the Universe that were of a “higher” nature to the Akashic; something called “The Eternal Records”.
There are no such records that are higher than the Akashic.
The Akashic records every event that occurs in this Universe and, once recorded, the Akashic cannot be changed or altered in any way. By claiming that there is a “higher” level of memory is just a deliberate attempt to allow the Velon/Oa to make up any information they chose and then try to pass it off as “The Eternal Records”.
Following on from the Orion Council, the OA then decided to spread themselves around a bit and contact more people through channeling. One of the main personas they invented was the Andromedean Council.
These beings did not originate from the star system of Andromeda but lived in a “bio- dome” moored in space near to Andromeda – Velon “off the starboard bow, starboard bow...” it would appear. Whilst the Andromedean Council was doing their thing, a new strategy was being formulated by the Oa.
If the Oa could make people believe that they had access to this invented “Eternal Records”, could they make people believe that they could manipulate human law by making plans to remove the human institutions that caused people the most angst and problems?
So “Drake” was born, promising all kinds of legal actions that were in the process of working their way into the American High Court. All of the promised legal action failed to materialise and “Drake” did a runner. Then we had the “Dragon Family” from the Far East also promising that they were taking legal action to reclaim billions of dollars worth of gold and currency stolen from the people of the world by international and American banks. The “Dragon Family” seems to have disappeared in a puff of its own smoke.
Then the Oa came up with the big one: - The One Peoples Public Trust (The OPPT). The OPPT claim that they have established a Trust bonded to the original American Constitution of 1776. They further bonded every single person on the planet into this trust and claim to act in the interests of every single person on the planet.
The OPPT claim to have filed legal documents with the Uniform Commercial Code (UCC) that claims:
“Understanding that corporations, governments and banks are one and the same, an “Order of Finding and Action” was filed against the “the debtor”, a legal entity created via the UCC process which encompasses all corporate entities. The filings claim that the Debtor “knowingly, willingly and intentionally committed treason” by “owning, operating, aiding and abetting private money systems” and “operating Slavery Systems used against... citizens without their knowing, willing and intentional consent”.
In other words, all of the Earth’s resources are owned by people and not corporations or governments. This is a right given to us because of our connections to the “Creator” and cannot be contested claim the OPPT.
The OPPT further claim that as they filed these documents with the UCC under a “non-rebuttal” clause and as the “debtor” has not rebutted these claims, the documents filed by the OPPT now become law.
The OPPT further claim that:
“Lawfully, nobody can stand as a superior authority between you and your relationship with the Creator. Having removed the control-mechanisms of economy and government, the One People’s Public Trust leaves individuals in full liability, being personally responsible for themselves and for ensuring the free-will rights of others. There is no longer a structural chain of command. No rules. No corporations to hide behind. You are – as the Creator intended – a Being and a guardian of our planet and its inhabitants.”
Having read these documents and claims, my first question was: The American Constitution was not written in 1776 so what do they mean?
First of all, the only event of note that happened in 1776 was the establishment of the Bavarian Illuminati. Then in July 1782, the Illuminati incorporated the Order of Freemasons at the Congress of Wilhelmsbad. The American Constitution was not written until 1787 and was not ratified until the 21st of June 1788 – note: of the 55 signatories to the American Constitution, 50 were known Freemasons.
So what American Constitution has the OPPT bonded themselves to and, by extension, bonded every single person on the planet? Certainly it is not the American Constitution, as everybody knows it, as it was not written in 1776. Does this mean that the OPPT have bonded everyone to the Illuminati and the Freemasons?
Given that every school child in America is well schooled in the history of the American Constitution, the OPPT stating that it was signed in 1776 is, obviously, a deliberate mistake. If it is not a deliberate mistake, the error would negate their claim to passing a law.
In any case, the UCC does not have any legal standing. It is an NGO that makes recommendations on the trading standards between American States but does not have any legal powers to enforce its recommendations let alone enforce a law made by some other organisation.
So much for “Higher” legal knowledge gained from “The Eternal Records”.
What “Drake”, “The Dragon Family” and the “OPPT” were promising is that they would destroy the banking system, destroy governments, write off all personal debts and mortgages as well as “gift” every single person on the planet a cash sum that varies depending on which version of their collective claims you look at: either $10,000, $1 million or $10 million.
Oh, and as well as all of this financial largesse, they were also promising to ensure that we were all to be raised to a “5th dimension”.
Question: do the OPPT supply 5th dimensional credit cards?
And people are still falling for this rubbish.
But now we have a new twist to the Oa’s claims, one which makes use of the Johnaan’s success with their “god” Sananda as well as the Hathor’s Mary Magdalene as well as connecting Drake, The Dragon Family, the OPPT together with someone new. Remember, this is the Oa channeling this.
“Greetings! I am Lady Master Nada. I am the Consort of Lord Sananda. We have incarnated on Earth seven times together. Much of my work now is done at the Solar Tribunal on Saturn. This is a High Court. Instead of being a High Court in a Country it is the High Court for this Solar System. In The Hague, you have the International Criminal Court. The Solar Tribunal hears cases which have Intergalactic implications. These cases are judged on statutes written by Universal Law...
Sananda and I have incarnated on Earth before as Jesus and Mary Magdalene. We had a daughter Sarah. In that lifetime we were working with the Goodly Company to bring Ascension back to the 5th Dimension. The cabal was successful in squashing these efforts. We went back to the Ships to wait for another opportunity. That opportunity is now...
My lineage, my bloodline comes from
Earth’s Solar Logos – Helios and Vesta. I have been incarnating on Earth and other Planets since millions of years. I have been Council at the Solar Tribunal for aeons of time...
My current role in helping Earth is as an Attorney who works jointly with Attorneys on Earth as well as at the Solar Tribunal. There are cases being heard all the time at the Solar Tribunal now which involve Earth as well as other Planets. I am not incarnate on Earth now. I have the ability to take on a human form at will and I travel unrestricted through space as needed...
The reason a case goes on to the Solar Tribunal is if the atrocity has effected the Space Time continuum. I have also been consulted in writing new laws which enable reciprocity and make it easier to arrest war criminals who try to hide in non-extraditable territories...
The Solar Tribunal is the high court for this Solar System. The Higher Tribunals are found in the Lighted Realms and they are similar to your Panel Judge system in Federal Court where a case can be decided by a three judge panel instead of one judge and jurors. I have held seats on Higher Councils...”
I have to say that I would be very interested in speaking with the human lawyers who liaise with the Solar Tribunal on Saturn:
How much do they charge an hour? Do they get extra expenses? Is the cost of a partly used Flying Saucer tax deductible? Do they get a space suit allowance? What’s the accommodation like on Saturn? Is the beer on Saturn better than Welsh bitter?
In addition, Lady Master Nada continues with:
“Part of the settlement written into the law is the reparations for the fraudulent banks in collusion with parts of the United States government like the Internal Revenue Service. These reparations must be paid to all Earth Citizens.
These will be paid to each individual and they will be hand delivered. It will take about 18 months for every Earth Citizen to receive their personal delivery. It is required that these be signed by the recipient as received. Disbursements will begin in the U.S., U.K., Canada and Australia and will quickly move to 180 Countries around the globe.
These will be delivered by a specially trained crew. Inside will be a debit card of sorts tied to an individual bank account held in your name. Each person will receive the same amount of money $10 million dollars. St. Germain (Sanaka Kumara) has obtained the gold to back these funds and it is stored in bank vaults all over the world. Each person will also receive exquisitely individual instructions which would be in their best interest to follow. These will vary greatly and will be tied to your progress and your responsibility in the New Earth. Those details will be revealed at Announcements by President Obama and the Forces of Light he works with. This is why there is so much resistance by the cabal to change things in the U.S. They are working a plan to get President Obama out of office in an attempt to stall the Announcements. Their Plan has been cancelled...”
Has anybody on Earth noticed that President Obama was working with the “Forces of Light”? No, I thought not.
So we are all entitled to $10 million, it would appear although I am curious how the figure was worked out. But, we cannot have the $10 million unless we follow “exquisitely individual instructions” and that “these will be tied to your progress and your responsibility in the New Earth”.
So who exactly determines our individual progress and individual responsibility, I wonder?
Is this the first indication of the Velon’s true agenda – the making of a slave race? Does this amount to a threat that unless you follow their “exquisitely individual instructions” to the letter you will be evicted from the planet and if you are evicted from the planet no matter what “5th dimensional” place you end up in, it will not be the Earth, you will not be human and your $10 million dollars won’t be worth the computer it is stored in.
I also find the name “Lady Master Nada” interesting given that the word “nada” is Spanish for nothing. Seems to me that is what “she” is promising – nothing.
Oh, deary, deary me."
For more click on the SOURCE
posted by turiya