Worms will be in the body as long as there is WASTE to eat and the REALLY BAD WORMS that eat the organs and human flesh will be there as long as the body is ILL and UNABLE to defend its self.
FIRST LESSON- Herbs are dead and don't kill worms, if I use herbs on my garden, the worms leave or are unable to reproduce further and thus the garden no longer has a problem. In the human body, the LIVER takes the herbs and used the mineral/chemical nutrients and then it is the LIVER that makes the chemicals that do the job of killing the parasites.
The use of herbs like pure essential oil of oregano: These herbs also supply nutients that the liver uses and they also enter the fluids of the body and parasites can not stand to live in the presence of spices and the body also wants all these herbs/spices out of the body and kicks up the elimination process and as the herbs go, so go the worms/waste.
TO ANSWER YOUR QUESTION- NO, WORMS WILL NOT GET USE TO HERBS, the problem will always be the diet of the human that leads to accumulated acids that feeds the worms via poor health.
The De-Wormer I make is more of a Potassium formula and as you supplement the body with plant potassium I believe it is the potassium that the liver is using to win the war against parasites.
The worms in the brain/pancreas/womb can hide, but the healtheir the body becomes sooner or later the worms have no home. To get worm-free and stay worm free is not a fast job and this ONLY GOES for what is called ANIMAL PARASITES. The friendly parasites such as CANDIDA keep us alive and we must consume these daily in large amounts; the liver then must obtain a balance. When not balanced we call this disease.
The best cure for disease according to Dr. Christopher is plant potassium and the clark style dewormer herb walnut is a superior source of potassium and I believe the side effect of this is the body being able to expell worms.
Naturally worms do take the herbs in directly if they are living in the stomach/intestines and these easy to kill worms do die from direct digestion and show in the stool rapidly; this is acheived best when the person goes with no sugar for a few days and then takes the dewormer type herbs with sugar.
This is what makes my dewormer formula superior to the Clark (clarkia brand) dewormer, I make a dewormer syrup/tincture and not just plain tincure as explained by Clark or used by clarkia that taste really BAD and kids hate it. My formula is based on a famous Catholic Healer of along time ago who dewormed Europe ane was doctor to several popes.
The BAREFOOT de-wormer formula uses the wisdom of Dr. John R. Christopher, the fame of Dr. Clark, the wisdom of the best Medical book ever written on human parasites in 1913 and the Protocol of Father Knapp. The BAREFOOT theories are not bound by ne famous author, I use "ALL" that is available to read and learn from and based on what I read I try things and then I watch/listen to see what others are experiencing and if I keep a herbal formula, it usually changes a little each time I make it as I learn to make it better.
I started Brother Jimmy out with what we call a Pre-Cleanse and then direct to the Spice formula maxed out to what I call Longevity Spices 4 Life. His friends have enjoyed the BF&C capsules very much for their past problems and a few other formulas such as the Maximum Restore formula; but in general the Pre-Cleanse and Herbal Spices with daily Lecithin has done it all, he has so many testimonies it is un-real.....
The Pre Cleanse is:
2 bottles of de-wormer
1 bottle kidney cleanse
1 550ct Lower Bowel Balance
1 bottle of lecithin/olive/bf&c oil
The cleanse is 1 gallon of Longevity Spices and a gallon of Lecithin
Depending on their past problems Brother Jimmy gives them the BF&C 550ct bottle and maybe a small bottle of oregano and also uses a few of my other formulas, but 90% 0f what he has done is the precleanse and cleanse formulas. He is dealing with elderly adults and preaches zero meat-zero dairy along with this.
I don't think he pushes the orange juice fasting like I do because the age of the people he is dealing with have never ever fasted a day in their lives and probably will not; so he depends upon the theory of the spices 4 life.