I became aware that I had a medical problem back in the late 1980s when I noticed that I was belching excessively (even on an empty stomach). That was back in my wild days of drinking, drugging, and smoking. At the time I was sharing a house with my brother who was diagnosed with AIDS in early 1987. I had always been interested in health issues and came across some material describing candida yeast infection of the gut. Interesting, I thought it was solely a “female issue.”
My brother did develop “thrush” (yeast coating of the mouth and tongue). When I suspected I might have a yeast infection, I did some research and back then the protocol was to avoid sugars and take nystatin or ketoconazole (both are prescription only drugs). So I took the nystatin and thought it would eliminate the problem in 7 to 10 days (the normal course of
Antibiotics to eliminate bacterial infection). The yeast returned shortly after stopping the nystatin. I tried the ketoconazole and had no lasting success either. I read that the yeast will go away once your normal gut flora (healthy gut bacteria like acidophilus) is restored. So I took probiotic supplements (enteric coated at that) and although my stool looked very healthy, the yeast was not going away.
My brother died in 1989 and so I reasoned that now he’s gone maybe his exhaling yeast spores will give me some relief. It was wishful thinking that didn’t pan-out. I started taking caprylic acid supplements which I could tell was killing off yeast in a big way. I had yeast “die-off” reactions but at the time I didn’t know what it was. I kept thing to myself, “How long until this thing is gone and I can eat like a normal human again?” I avoided sugars but I didn’t see any way to avoid bread. I thought the prohibition against eating bread made with yeast was misguided junk science. Surely after the bread is baked there is no way that the yeast can survive and reproduce again. The one food group that made me suffer to go without was FRUIT. I love fruit but I know it is very bad to eat if you have yeast infection. Going back to the bread issue I just want to say that I would have been better served if I was told point-blank “do not eat wheat or corn in any form”. White tortillas have no yeast but fed my yeast like it was sugar. Same thing for shredded wheat. What I found out is that the human gastro-intestinal track produces an enzyme amylase (I think) that breaks down grains and flours into SUGARS. Needless to say I experienced a yo-yo ride of ups and downs in my fight against yeast infection. Later I found other yeast fighters like grapefruit seed extract, oregano oil, garlic, oil leaf extract, coconut oil, peppermint oil, etc.
Let me give a brief guide to what needs to be done to get rid of yeast in the gut. Lots of this is old-hat to some of you.
The most important thing is sticking to a strict diet avoiding sugars, wheat and corn in any form.
You are free to eat meats, veggies (except potatoes, corn, beets, carrots) and seeds and nuts (except peanuts which aren’t actually nuts and also avoid cashews).
The only dairy allowed is plain yogurt. Kefir always contains
Sugar (usually described on the label and dehydrated cane juice). You can drink unsweetened soy milk or coconut milk.
Avoid all condiments and anything pickled. This includes dips and salad dressings.
Probiotics: take at least 30 billion microorganisms per day. I take one capsule 3 times a day (each 10 billion microorganisms). Examine the label. Mine say 20 billion microorganisms per serving and on the back label we find out that a serving is 2 capsules.
Yeast Fighters: Oregano oil, olive leaf extract, caprylic acid, coconut oil, grapefruit seed extract, garlic capsules, pau d’arco, peppermint oil. All of these are good and easy to find. Don’t use the prescription drugs. They are expensive and no better than the natural ones. They can also cause liver damage if used more than one month.
Liver support: Milk Thistle extract, molybdenum (2 x 500 mcg. Per day prevents brain fog), alpha lipoic acid, n-acetyl cysteine, acetyl l-carnitine (works synergistically with alpha lipoic acid).
As I pondered the problem I was having in knocking out yeast from my body, I already knew that yeast produces toxins (mainly aldehydes) which harms the liver and ages all tissues. That is why the liver support supplements are important. If you take no yeast fighters, the yeast will grow unimpeded and regularly release the aldehydes. If you take the yeast fighters (especially in high doses or concentrations) all of the aldehydes are immediately released into your system producing “die-off” symptoms. Some people feel flu-like symptoms. In my case it felts like really bad allergies. My nose would run. I have started to look at yeast infection of the gut as mainly an immune disorder. The yeast has a mechanism that gets its “hooks” into you and defies being overthrown. That mechanism is in my opinion the aldehydes it releases. They cripple your immune system by overwhelming it. Just killing off a bunch of yeast is not the solution. Even if you could kill every spore or hyphae of yeast inside of you, it would only come back soon since candida yeast is everywhere around in our environment. The solution is to strengthen the immune system at the same time you do the other things (probiotics, yeast fighters, liver support).
Before I tell you what I found that did the trick and made a world of difference, I want to stress again the importance of eating a strict diet, taking probiotics, liver support and yeast fighters. Also, since I have so much experience in this area I want to warn you in advance about getting too elated over progress made and thinking you’ve got this yeast thing beat once and for good. I was told, and I think it is good advice, it takes about one month of therapy (diligent and no slip-ups) for every year you’ve had the yeast infection problem. I can’t count how many times I was pretty sure I was “cured” only to find out that I slipped back to where I was months ago. Don’t let this happen to you. Stay the course.
So doing more research on yeast infection and immunity I found some research done with organic germanium (not geranium which is a flower). It is an element and is found organically in garlic, ginseng, comfrey, aloe, etc. It is completely safe and non-toxic. Extremely ill patients (cancer) have been given up to 2 grams of organic germanium with good results. Most of the research has been done in Japan with patients having immune problems (cancer, Epstein-Barr virus, lupus, AIDS, etc.) I found online a booklet about germanium and immunity. You can find it here:
The people at germanium.net sell organic germanium but their’s is expensive. I will give a link to a better deal below. The book does talk a little about germanium and yeast infection. The book talks about doses for ill people from 300 to 500 mg. per day. I bought a bottle of organic germanium 150 mg. capsules 50 count. I continued doing everything the same with regard to my yeast regimen but I added 150 mg. organic germanium every 8 hours. One before bedtime, one on awakening in the morning and one in mid-afternoon. After 2 weeks I know it is working, no symptoms or die-off at all. I’m not stupid enough to stop my regimen. I’ve been tricked before in stopping too soon. I won’t be fooled again. As a bonus, the patch or red itchy scaly
Psoriasis on my foot is healed and gone.
Here are the best prices I found for organic germanium:
This was my first purchase. I have since found the bulk powder is cheaper but I would still recommend you buying this in order to get a feel for how much powder it takes to achieve 150 mg.
This is the powder which is cheaper per dose than the capsules. Don’t let the URL above fool you. It is 1.8
ounces not 18 ounces.
If you buy the powder and don’t have one of those tiny spoons that come with some nutritional supplement powders and want to capsulate it yourself you can buy gelatin capsules: