High on Water
Oh, I understand that. I believe, though, what makes sense to me, that is to say, that what I personally have learned about dry-fasting is that it's a different reaction within the body, and that a typical dry fast should not exceed three days. And you must have all the minerals already there, in
some warehouse aspect of the body.
Like he said, the body is very smart.
We're also quite aware here, that the ptb like to keep very-important health info from the general public.
I still have a LOT of moisture in my mouth/saliva, even when the rest of my body "says" dehydration.
I find this subject very interesting.
I do not believe it's for those, however, who want a 'magic pill', or a 'quick-fix'...
I have 'been-there' and 'done-that'.
I am learning to overcome that aspect, and becoming more and more caring about health and longevity, and less about vanity.