Refreshed's Message:
"Hey I'm glad someone pulled together what I posted. I didn't want to go too deep here in this forum, but wanted everyone to go whatever direction God would lead them to come to their own understanding. For I don't claim that I 'know' what is really going on...but something doesn't seem right in it all. Many of those links on the website, tied in all sorts of directions one could travel to see how this all came about or where is may be going.
If you look all over curezone you see people posting things other people wrote or said they experienced. Never understanding that they are being conned...on top of being conned....and then being conned again. The devil knows we don't have the time to search everything that he is throwing at us.
Either way he has us....because either we are believing the lies as truth and repeating them to others, or we act like the devil himself, accusing others falsely. One reason we need to stay in prayer, knowing full well, we ourselves can be deceived at any moment.
Thanks for taking the time to travel this bumpy road with me. I know time is short for all of us." End of Msg
Hey Mod, this message (Refreshed above) deserves, at the very least, an R, but if I were the Mod I'd give it a ~BSA.