This is one of Andreas's response. First the question and then the Andreas's answer.
The entire thread is here:
Hi Andreas,
I hope all is well with you.
After being vegetarian for nearly 6 months now and eating at the right times of the day ect, I can defintely say that I am feeling much more well than I was earlier in the year-or for a long time for that matter. Obviously my growing wellness is a combo of the above and flushes/colonics etc. After reading your info here and in your books I have also realised that in being vegetarian I don't need to try and stock up on protein through soy, legumes and the like-because as you say, our body recirculates 95% of it's protein and gets the rest though grain and veg anyway. My diet is primarily veges and secondary fats,grains and a few nuts and fruit. I have had shrimp or chicken about 5-6 times when eating out in the last 6 months. Though I never desire to prepare those at home.
Anyway, given that I am surviving well, have energy and can feel and see no signs of 'protein deficiency', I've just been wondering why do you think most supposed dietitions/ experts continually tout the neccessity of protein in the diet to us?? (And imply we will become gravely sick and deficient without it) Why are they 'not' able to find out the information that you(and others living well without excessive protein) have discovered.
Thanks for your insight,
Danielle X
Dear Danielle,
This is a great question? It is similar to "Why does the medical industry and the drug companies brainwash the masses into taking expensive drugs that cost them next to nothing instead of healing the body through natural means?", or "Why does the food industry knowingly put poisons such as hyodrogenated trans fatty acid, canola oil, soy oil, aspartic acid -- known to cause diabetes, heart disease and cancer -- into the human food chain?" The meat industry is huge, and when it comes to it, the wealth of the nation is in very few hands. They need and want to keep people in ignorance, and yes, sick, so that the business keeps going and growing. They don't make any money when people are taking care of their own health.
The voice of the internet has challenged their empire. Now, information is becoming more freely available to the masses, and information can no longer be controlled and manipulated like before. You can see this on the news channels. They have to start sharing uncensored information with the masses, otherwise people will look for other, better sources. I have been telling people for 30 years that not sleeping enough or during the proper hours in the night will cause them to gain weight. Yesterday, CNN cited a "new study" that showed people put on excessive weight when sleep-deficient. Sleep deprivation increases the hunger hormone and suppresses the fullness hormone. So, those who go to bed later than 10 pm are likely to feel hungry and start snacking. The result is undigested food, congestion, metabolic problems, toxicity, etc., and weight gain. One simple advice could curb the obesity epidemic.
What we are doing here is creating wider awareness, given people their power back, telling them that they can heal themselves. Old myths are hard to die. When margarine was introduced into the masses during WW II, they were made to believe that this fat would protect people's hearts. Of course, now we know that they are responsible for causing heart attacks. Same with the cholesterol myth. Everyone was made to believe, cholesterol leads to coronary heart disease. Again, this has turned out to be false. Then the high protein became popular, especially when the diabetes epidemic began. One day, they will realise that the high protein diet is responsible for most cases of insulin resistance and Type II diabetis, and of course, coronary heart disease. I would never trust advice given to the masses by the food industry. Even the American Medical Association (AMA) has repeatedly announced that vegetarians have by far the lowest cancer and heart disease rates (more information on all that is in my book The Key to Health and Rejuvenation).
Over 100 years ago the U.S. was the healthiest nation in the world. Now even developing countries are healthier than we are. Chronic disease was rare, at 10%. Today it is at 90%. Protein consumption was very low, anywhere in the world. As the developed nations became wealthier, meat consumption increased 500% or more, and so did chronic illness.
The Vedic Society (what is known today as India, virtually was disease-free for 6,000 years until it began deviating from their ancient practices. They were all vegetarians. Most of China, Japan, and the rest of Asia, South Amercia, Greece and many other countries were almost completey vegetarian, with none of the diseases we have today. The ancients used to observe nature and followed their instincts. Elephants, wild horses, gorillas, etc., just living of simple vegetation that contains no proteins have managed to build such strong bodies, packed with proteins. Where is the protein coming from, if it is not in their food?
Consider this. Their's and our largest organs are the lungs. We don't just ingest oxygen, without which nothing would hapen in our body, but mostly nitrogen, hydrogen and carbon. Plants breathe carbon-dioxide and take up water (composed of oxygen and hydrogen molecules). They make carbon-hydrogen bonds known as the carbohydrates we eat. Avocados with fats and proteins made out of water (with some soil minerals)and air! Why do they want to make us believe our body's aren't smart enough to make our own protein, minerals and vitamins too.
For one thing, the four molecules in the air, nitrogen, carbon, hydrogen and oxygen make up every amino acid in the world. We ingest all of these and make our own amino acids, synthesize them into proteins, and build them into cells. It is extremly difficult to develop a protein deficiency in the body, unless of course by overating proteins that then become stored in the blood vessels walls and hinder the body's own proteins from entering cells. Starvation is the final result. Obesity is a disease of starvation. The congestion is so pronounced that nutrients can no longer reach the cells, and so the cells starve to death while crying out for food that they will never receive. There are 1.2 billion people starving in this way worldwide due to obesity, and there are also 1.2 billion people starving due to lack of food. A coincidence? Both problems are basically indentical with regard to outcome, and both are man-made. The world is changing rapidly, though, and new knowledge, methods and technologies will create solutions to the existing problems faster than imaginable.
Hope this is of benefit.