Hey I was just thinking so look out. But could it be that we are seeing the momentum change here in the US and the world now?
We have the majority of American's standing up and saying no more of these lies to get us into war any more. They aren't falling for the lies, misleading statements and false accusations.
We have Obozo actually going to CONgress to get permission to go to war. I think he knows he will be hanged from the nearest tree if he doesn't.
And we have Russia standing up and doing the job Obozo should have done and finding a diplomatic solution to the chemical attacks. And it's a solution so easy to see that our spin doctors can't even lie their way out of it. They have to do it or else they expose themselves as the communist war mongers that they are. They only thing they can do is spin it so Russia is "irrelevant" and "it's going to be tough and hard to do this." And "we want solid solutions, not talk."
We have Russia standing up and thumbing their nose at Obozo and saying screw you Snowden can stay here. And most of the countries in the world are calling BS on obama's lies.
Even hard core democrats are sick of obama's lies. I doubt CONgress will approve attacking Syria, if it even gets to a vote. It seems like to me the peace prize winner has lost ALL credibly. And if CONgress is smart, they will take this opportunity to stand up and say no to Obozo and gain more public support for them. Obozo is on the outside of a branch cutting it off by himself now. Every argument and lie he's made has been shot down in flames. Did you hear that speech Rand Paul made after obama's speech? Wow.
So could it be that we've reached the tipping point here? The only solution they have left is a false flag, and everybody will point that fact out. So keep doing what you're doing and exposing the truth. Pretty soon what we've been saying for years is going to be considered fact by the whole world. Geez even Russia and RT news is saying 911 was a false flag now. CNN is even admitting we're supporting terrorists in Syria. Everyone is saying the king has no cloths. I think we're almost there. Could be crazy, but I ain't stopping. I refuse to live in this matrix of lies and I hope you are that way too!