(NaturalNews) A simple, yet highly effective way to thwart cancer and protect your liver against disease can be found in a common spice that has been used in Indian cooking for thousands of years. Turmeric, and more specifically, curcumin, its primary active ingredient, continues to shine as an awe-inspiring, anti-cancer "superfood" spice with a vast array of tangible health benefits, including its ability to induce cancer cell death and prevent cirrhosis.
Research is constantly being published with regards to the nutritive power of turmeric, and some of the latest research highlights the many ways in which this herb battles cancer. A recent study published in the Asian Pacific Journal of Cancer Prevention, for instance, found that a dose-dependent administration of curcumin effectively activated apoptosis of liver cancer cells, meaning it prompted these harmful cells to die. In their conclusion, the researchers involved with this study DE CLAREd curcumin to be a "promising phytomedicine in cancer therapy."
Previous studies have arrived at similar conclusions, including a 2007 study published in the journal, Liver International. Researchers from the Department of Gastroenterology at the Tel-Aviv Sourasky Medical Center in Israel tested the effects of curcumin in mice with chemical-induced liver damage. Compared to hepatic damaged mice not given curcumin, those given the spice effectively averted developing liver cirrhosis, an outcome that researchers attributed to turmeric's anti-inflammatory properties.
"As curcumin ingestion is safe in humans, it may be reasonable to assess in clinical studies the beneficial effect of curcumin in slowing the development of liver cirrhosis," wrote the authors in their conclusion.
One year later, in 2008, researchers out of Taiwan published a study verifying that curcumin can also benefit in the treatment of lung cancer. Not only did the spice demonstrate a unique ability to prevent cancer cells from invading and spreading, but it also activated key proteins responsible for naturally blocking and suppressing tumors from forming. The team from the National Yang-Ming University in Taipei ultimately DE CLAREd that their findings support the application of curcumin in anti-cancer metastasis therapy.
And again in 2010, a study published in the Journal of Ovarian Research found that curcumin has another unique use in cancer treatment. Patients with ovarian cancer, which is difficult to treat conventionally due to chemotherapy and radiation resistance, can be effectively "pre-treated" with curcumin in order to improve the efficacy of conventional cancer treatment.
"Curcumin pre-treatment enhances chemo/radio-sensitization in ... ovarian cancer cells through multiple molecular mechanisms," wrote the authors, who are from the University of South Dakota, of this particular study. "[C]urcumin pre-treatment may effectively improve ovarian cancer therapeutics."
The Life Extension Foundation (LEF) has conducted extensive research into the anti-cancer properties of turmeric and found that the spice targets an astounding 10 causative factors involved in cancer development, including DNA damage, chronic inflammation, and disruption of cell signaling pathways. Countless hundreds of published studies, it turns out, have also shown that curcumin is a potent anti-cancer food that blocks cancer development in a number of unique ways.
Though a precise cancer prevention dosage of turmeric has not officially been established, studies involving human patients with diagnosed cancer found that curcumin doses of about 3,600 mg (3.6 grams) induced paraptosis; targeted destruction of cancer cell mitochondria; disruption of the cancer cell cycle; cancer cell down-regulation; and arrested stem cell development.
Be sure to check out this extensive and highly-informative LEF report on turmeric to learn more about how it can help you and your family avoid cancer:
Sources for this article include:
Learn more: http://www.naturalnews.com/041995_turmeric_anti-cancer_agent_liver_health.htm...
Hemp oil (with THC) helps cure cancer.
Ed: Crushing Stage 4 Liver Cancer with Cannabis Oil and More!
My husband of 34 years was diagnosed with stage 4 primary liver cancer in
March 2012.
The doctor told us there was not much to be done since the tumor was 7 inches
covering his lower lobe and also had spread to his lymph nodes. We decided to go
home and called hospice which gave us morphine for pain. Ed hated the morphine
which made him vomit and also affected his mind. After one week at home we
decided to do what we have done for many years, rely on ourselves.
Describe your experience with conventional doctors and treatments:
We were only in Hospital for 3 days with severe Pain. The cancer had blocked his
bile duct, after that we choose a Naturopath doctor and have not had
conventional treatments.
What alternative therapies did you do and which ones helped you the
In our area we grow our own cannabis medicine and we started making Phoenix
Tears. Ed was off the morphine in one week after taking a gram of oil per day.
Later we added juicing fresh buds and leaves mixed with veggies and also most of
the same diet you followed. Ed is 65 and in excellent shape otherwise. Within a
couple of weeks his pain and swollen stomach disappeared and with it came hope
and a good quality of life.
He is also using a daily sauna, epason salt bath, and castor oil packs to get rid of toxins.
We also do Vitamin C IVs with a Naturopath doctor.
We never saw an ocologist and only have done a blood test after the first diagnose CT scan. His tumor marker went from over 6000 to normal and he is feeling well. We don’t know how this is going to play out, but enjoy every day and give thanks. He is up to 2 grams of phoenix tears now and does not feel stoned. I am also drinking the good tasting cannabis juice, with no effect. Not everyone could tolerate such a high dose of THC, but it works well for him.
Here’s what Ed is doing:
-Phoenix Tears Cannabis Oil, 4 times daily, ½ gram each dose
-Infrared Sauna, once a day (twice if time), hot tub
-Vit. C 50 to 95 grams intravenously (we did that for 3 month, stopped now)
-Mineral mixture to boost energy (intravenously) once every other week
-Psolinum 7x (3 times a day) holds tumors, homeopathic but need perscription
Waking up
1. Glass of warm water with lemon juice
2. 3 Beta-1, 3-D Glucan (taken on empty stomach) http://aboutbetaglucan.com/
3. Epsom Salt bath (2cups) for eliminating toxins
4. Elijah tea (2 oz) in morning and before going to bed (we did that for 2 month
are about to start again.)
Health drink made in blender
1. Moringa Olifera Leaf Powder (tablespoon) tumor shrinking and high in protein
2. Vitamineral Green 1TB
3. Aloe Vera Juice (4 onces)
4. Kefir plain (4 onces)
5. Vitamin D3 drops (4) check for deficiency
6. Maitake Gold 1200 (dropper full)
7. Almond milk (cup)
8. Banana or other fruit
9. Lugol’s Iodine 3% (1 drop)
10. Flax Seed Oil 1TB (Lemon makes it taste much better)
Fresh juices: carrot, green apple, green veggies, turmeric
root, ginger, as often as
possible. We are also juicing 2 handfulls of fresh cannabis leaves and buds,
once or twice
No sugar, and light on carbs
Probiotics with every meal,
Meals are light, mostly veggies, some protein, all organic and not processed.
Supplements taken during day
1. Green Tea 100mg 2x (Green tea contains polyphenols, powerful
2. Multivitamin 1 3x
3. Vitamin C-1000 2 3x
4. L-Proline / L-Lysine 1x
5. Pancreatin Enzyme 500mg 2x
6. Liver Support Formula 2x
7. Meriva-SR (Curcumin) 2x
8. Mushroom Immune Defense
9. Vitamin B17 250mg 2x
10. Vitamin D 3000mg
11. CoQ10 100mg 2x
12. Selenium 200mcg 1x
13. Probiotics 2 before or after each meal
14. Omega 3 Fish Oil 3x with meals
15. R-Lipoic Acid 300mg 2x
16. N-A-C 600mg 1 3x (N-Acetyl-L-Cysteine)
17. Turmeric Extract 1160mg 3x
18. Milk Thistle (Liver support) 3x
19. Orasal 2 3x www.drforsythe.com (we stopped this)
20. Papaya Leaf Extract 1 http://www.scribd.com/doc/34045075/Papaya-Leaf-Cancer-Cure
Ed also does castor oil packs and charcoal packs alternating for several
hours at night.
He feels these have reduced and than eliminated swollen stomach. These are great
getting the toxins out of his system.
His energy has been great and he is even doing some physical work again.
Everyone in our community is watching him and we have been contacted by several
cancer patients. Unfortunately most patients even stage 4 ones first try the
conventional methods, so by the time they get to alternative protocols their
bodies are so depleted that it is hard to turn it around.
I have no idea how this is going to play out, but we sure have had quality time
and no pain or discomfort.
I am glad to e-mail anyone interested our regimen and would love to connect with other cancer patients who are trying this.
PS. Hospice just cancelled us, which is the first time they left a liver cancer patient go.
-Beate Moore
Nevada City, CA
beatemoore (at) earthlink (dot) net