FWIW, here's something I stumbled across while searching for tips on making my own Lugol's:
"A newer idea that I just learned from a medical intutive friend who has given me many fabulous insights over the years, is to activate Lugol's solution in a manner similar to making MMS.
"You can use any weak organic acid like vinegar, or lemon juice, but I prefer to use 50% Citric Acid, added in equal amounts to Lugol's solution and let it sit 3 minutes (E.g.: 6 drops of Lugol's and 6 drop of 50% citric acid in a clean glass and allow to activate for 3 minutes). Then add about 4 ozs. of water and drink. My medical intuitive friend tells me that 'activating' Lugol's in this manner, will make it a much stronger anti-viral than just using Lugol's alone."