Hello everyone,
I was wondering if any of you know the best website to buy Vermox/Mebendazole from? I am a bit weary of purchasing it online, but I feel like I really have no other option as I cannot get a prescription. I read that I could buy it online from either India or Mexico..My only concern is that the medication I receive will not be legitimate. Also, I have a gluten intolerance so I would have to know for sure that it is gluten free (the drug facts say Mebendazole is gluten free, but like I said..I am worried about it not being what it says it is). I have been using natural herbs for now, but I really would like to get some Vermox, as I have had good results with it in the past...and to be honest, I'm scared and I want this over with ASAP!
Any info would be greatly appreciated!
Thanks for reading.