Unlike Arnie Gundersen and ENE news, I am going to actually explain things here in a technical sense, to try to give you a way to grasp what has really happened during this latest round of sabotage out at Fukushima.
There are three forms of ionizing radiation - beta, alpha, and gamma. The reactors at Fukushima used and produced gamma radiation, and were poor producers of beta and alpha radiation relative to other types of nuclear reactors. This means that predominantly they produced gamma radiation.
Gamma radiation is the one that penetrates well. Gamma radiation will penetrate two feet of water without much of a problem. Beta and alpha radiation penetrate poorly, and can only penetrate a fraction of a millimeter of water.
Let me explain with a little math to show you how bad the beta and alpha contamination really has to be to give a water surface reading of 1,800 msv an hour.
Beta and alpha radiation will penetrate approximately 1/10th of a millimeter of water. This means that any reading coming from water will only be what is being emitted by the top tenth of a millimeter. This means that virtually all beta and alpha radiation produced by a body of water can never get out of that water to be measured.Gamma radiation will penetrate two feet of water. So if the puddle is two feet deep, you will be able to measure almost all the radiation being produced by that water.
How much worse than gamma radiation do alpha and beta radiation have to be to give the same msv/hour reading from water? Take 1 millimeter, and multiply it by 10. Then take the 25.4 millimeters per inch of water and multiply that by 10, because beta and alpha radiation won't penetrate much over 1/10th of a millimeter of water. So one inch will cut the reading by a factor of 254. Now you don't just have one inch of water to match gamma radiation's penetrating potential, you have 24 inches. So take that 254 and multiply it by 24 inches.
The math? Gamma radiation will penetrate water approximately 6096 times as well as beta and alpha will. So the actual radiological potential of the water spill out at Fukushima, if it was gamma rather than beta radiation, would not be 1,800 msv and hour, it would be 1,800x 6096, or 10,972,800 msv an hour.
Now let's do the final step of the math, to find the actual ratio of dissolved beta and alpha emitters to gamma radiation emitters in that water spill.
Since Tepco only measured 1 msv and hour of gamma off that water, (which is exactly plausible for the scenario and actually a really high reading by itself) and the beta and alpha readings were 1,800 msv and hour in relation to ONE msv an hour of gamma, you have to take 6096 and multiply it by 1,800 to get the ratio of gamma vs beta and alpha emitters in that water. Answer? That water is over ten million times as contaminated with beta and alpha emitters than it is with gamma emitters. AND I CALL BS ON THAT SCENARIO, WHICH HAPPENS TO BE REAL.
And by far the most available heavy water reactor for Mossad front Magna BSP is in DIMONA ISRAEL.
Fukushima used LIGHT WATER REACTORS WHICH DO NOT PRODUCE EXCESSIVE BETA AND ALPHA EMITTERS. THEY COULD NOT POSSIBLY HAVE PRODUCED THAT WATER, IN FACT EVEN A HEAVY WATER REACTOR COULD NOT HAVE PRODUCED THAT WATER. THAT MUCH OF A CONTAMINATION RATIO DIFFERENCE IN WATER HAS TO BE ACCOMPLISHED WITH ADVANCED WEAPONIZATION METHODS, IT CANNOT HAPPEN EVEN FROM A MELT DOWN. AND I AM NOT TALKING BY A LITTLE, I AM SAYING THE RATIO OF BETA/ALPHA TO GAMMA IS OFF BY OVER TEN MILLION TO ONE. A FLAT IMPOSSIBILITY.Far beyond any and all doubt, Fukushima is still being sabotaged. Most likely Israel was not happy with Japan's resilience and they sent in some mossad agents to cause the leak and contaminate it. I'd bet $50,000 that if the exact same water source was measured elsewhere in the facility, the beta/alpha/gamma ratio would be either equal with each other and not so far out of balance the way the spill water was, or the beta/alpha would measure less than gamma. Water is an equal opportunity solvent, it's not just going to burrow into a pile of melted fuel and leech out only the beta and alpha emitters, let alone at a ratio of several million to one. The ratio in the outside spill is NOT REALISTIC AT ALL, AND COULD ONLY BE FROM A SOURCE THAT WAS BROUGHT IN FROM ANOTHER PART OF THE WORLD.
How contaminated would water have to be to get a 1,800 msv/hr beta alpha reading? So contaminated that getting a single drop in your food would easily kill you And that is going to be really good for the ocean as far as an Israeli psy op goes, that particular reading is simply too high to be released in the environment without serious consequences.
AS bad as Fukushima was, it was not capable of doing this. To get that kind of contamination in water would require intentional work from a weapons department. I wonder what zionist ultimatum Japan failed to live up to?
Benjamin Fulford's "10,000 ninjas" said this was going to happen, and that Israel was indeed not happy with Japan's resistance to their threats, and that they would bring in extremely concentrated medical isotopes and further sabotage the environment out at Fukushima. Given these numbers provided by Tepco, I have ONE THING TO ASK: Who the hell does Ben Fulford know the ninjas were right.
Thanks to Arnie Gundersen nuclear ignorance is running rampant. Now it is time for a little genuine nuclear education. The main problem is that after having reactors 1 and 2 explode because of the stuxnet virus (and steam explosions are very violent) the containment below the reactors was blown to pieces. These containments had a base of approximately 30 feet of borated concrete, which if left intact and not destroyed by a reactor pressure vessel explosion would have contained the cores and squelched their radiological potential with boron. But since they were blown away, an entirely different scenario evolved. Rather than having to melt through the borated concrete, which would have neutralized them, the cores flowed through the cracks and are now underneath the containments. And this has led to a serious problem.
Alpha and beta radiation is super easy to underestimate because it has so little penetrating power that when it is in water, it will get blocked by the water it is in before it travels a fraction of a millimeter. If you can actually get an alpha or beta reading of 1,800 msv from a body of water, it is an insanely high level. Gamma radiation can penetrate over two feet of water. Since beta and alpha can only penetrate a fraction of a millimeter of water, well, I will do some estimated math for how bad the contamination of the water really is -
I will estimate that the alpha and beta radiation can penetrate 1/10th of a millimeter of water. This will vary based upon the situation, but it's a pretty good guess. Since an inch is 25.4 millimeters, and gamma radiation can penetrate approximately two feet of water, 24 inches times 25.4 millimeters = 609.6 millimeters. Since there is no way beta or alpha could penetrate even a millimeter of water, I am going with 1/10th of a millimeter. That is 6096 times LESS penetration potential than gamma radiation. Sounds reasonable. Now let's use that number for the final math.
The first thing to go over is the fact that if that fog was as advertised it would be there all day every day. You can't just switch on a nuclear disaster fog show and then turn it off. If the fog was in any way from the nuclear disaster, it would have to come from the reactors themselves and not the ocean, which is too far removed from the reactors to be heated by them absent functioning heat removal systems (which do not exist anymore) and then, any fog would be right at the heat exchangers because the ocean itself is too massive to heat up with a few billion watts. Even river based heat exchangers at places like Browns Ferry, (fukushima equivalents) rarely if ever kick up a fog. The photo is bogus, showing only natural fog which happens a lot in Japan.
This so vastly exceeds the worst case disaster scenario parroted by the followers of nuclear liar Arnie Gundersen that anything stated since this blast about how bad things are, while denying this happened to begin with amounts to a propaganda comedy show. Fukushima not only surpasses Chernobyl, it makes Chernobyl look like an adventure park because the size of the reactors out at Fukushima are far beyond Chernobyl by a factor of approximately 20X. Chernobyl was childs play by comparison.
But it is Arnie's responsibility I guess to tell people a scenario which is plausible in a real nuclear disaster possible with the types of reactors out at Fuku, which could never explode the way Chernobyl did. The fact that reactor 3 had it's core expelled proves beyond any doubt that something else blew it up, it was not a nuclear failure that caused this
My big question is: Why did Natural News report the truth at first, only to subsequently take the topic down a rat hole?
They sat down with Stuxnet and removed all the security features that prevented it from affecting more than Natanz. They then turned it into a regular virus that could spread via typical routes of infection. They also removed the safety features - the identifiers that allowed it to know if it was in Natanz or not. And then they let it go into the wild. I have no doubt Magna BSP hand delivered it to the Scada controllers inside Fukushima, laying in wait to affect the safety systems, but additionally it is now out in the wild and infecting every industrial system it comes in contact with. And it is now more than just a resident virus, it can also phone home and tell the Israelis what systems it has now infected, and await instructions for what to do. That works great for false flag industrial disasters
I managed to get the seismograms Erol based his charts upon after days of calling and digging, and they blew his scam right open. Though a 9.0 was stated to have happened out in the ocean by the scamming ziopress, the real peak intensity was 6.67 inland at station MYG004 and NOT out in the ocean, thus proving the entire 9.0 story to be a bold faced lie. This was part of the original Fuku report, (click to enlarge it) On the ground in Japan, the evidence of Erol's forgery is everywhere. Highway overpasses that have been built to survive major quakes will fail with ground accelerations below 1 G yet none are damaged at all. Even the best built structures - the earthquake resistant skyscrapers will fail with ground accelerations below 1 G and in all of Sendai there were zero collapsed and zero leaning. Yet Erol reported 12.9 G's and the only thing that fell near that epicenter was an old welfare shelter. YEP, about what would happen in Japan with a 0.3G 6.67. Don't expect much else to fall.
Bottom line? I can show you the seismograms, which prove the quake was minor. Kalkan, spokesman for the USGS states himself the worst of the quake happened inland at station MYG004, and NOT out in the ocean which means the worst would have happened inland. CAN THE LIARS OUT THERE SHOW ME THE QUAKE DAMAGE THAT SHOWS IT WAS MAJOR? I am not talking tsunami damage which can be caused by nuclear weapons at the bottom of the ocean, I am talking REAL QUAKE DAMAGE OUTSIDE THE TSUNAMI ZONE, like what happened at Kobe? A little advice. GIVE UP. Beyond a 6.6 the quake DID NOT HAPPEN. And that 6.6 was 30 KM away from the nearest major city, Sendai, even according to the USGS once the lies are deciphered, which is why that 6.6 only destroyed a welfare shelter when the similar Kobe quake destroyed a whole lot more.
I know nuclear is a complex topic, but when it has been handed to you on a silver platter all cut up into bite sized pieces like what you can find on this site, which happens to be a major one, ignorance cannot be excused. And if you are the type that is too mechanically illiterate to change your own oil JUST LOOK AT REACTOR 4 AND EXPLAIN HOW THAT BLEW UP WHEN EVERYONE, EVEN THE INRC SAID IT WAS DIS ASSEMBLED AND THE DRONE PHOTOS PROVE IT?.
The Fukushima 50 were good hearted people who gave their lives to save Japan from the disaster. Subsequent people went out to fukushima to finish the cleanup at a pay rate of around $300 dollars an hour, but the Fukushima 50 were the original heroes who were not expected to live long enough to enjoy any sort of pay at all. And the fact that the ziopress has expunged them from the history books is proof alone that Israel caused the disaster and wanted it swept under the rug ASAP.
I know I have taken a lot of heat on sites like Rense for saying reactor 3's guts got blown to the sky, all the while the likes of Arnie Gundersen say the problem is a little steam and leaking water. But there is plenty of proof remaining that I am absolutely right, and one of those proofs is the Fukushima 50. Another proof is the color of reactor 3's blast, which was an identical match to the color of the fuel inside the reactor. I'd like to know what turned that fuel into dust that could be carried on the wind if it was not a nuke, certainly only the shock wave from a nuke could have pulverized the core material and rendered it dust.
But the Fukushima 50 proved reactor 3's core expulsion to have been a reality, the types of steam leaks and water leaks Arnie and Rense and ENE news continuously harp about have radiation levels in the microsievert an hour range even if they are extremely severe. These radiation levels are never fatal, even if you are exposed to them for months on end because they contain no solid reactor fuel. And that is Arnie's job - to keep the Fuku disaster within the realm of what is possible with the "official" story, while harping up as much fear over the NOTHING the official story is as possible.
Daily Mail: Five are believed to have already died and 15 others state the radiation will kill them Three died, and this article actually got a photo of a destroyed road. However, roads bite the dust at magnitude 5 and up. This article also states that reactor 3 caught fire and burned. This can only happen with an exposed core, as I have always stated from day one.
Are the Fukushima 50 doomed to death?
These people were real, and as it turned out, they COULD NOT survive doing the cleanup. It ended up being done via REMOTE CONTROL