"I am working up to 150mgs of Lugol’s
Iodine a day (currently I am taking 125mgs). I am also taking all of the companion supplents: ATP co-factors, selenium, c, mag, hymalain salt,"
You are certainly doing everything right, and I agree that you are hypothyroid. You should be responding especially to the Fibrocystic breasts. There are cases (rare) where the
Iodide Pathways are blocked and do not allow minerals into the body.
Read this material from Dr. Brownstein, with special attention to synergistic supplements:
You clearly have a rare problem with your Sodium
Iodide Symporter (NIS) mechanism.
Iodine is not getting into your cells and toxins are not getting out.
Iodine specialists have recently discovered it is essential to have the 24 Hour Iodine Loading Test before implementing iodine supplementation in order to investigate the presence
of a possible iodine absorption defect. If a patient has a normal or high Loading Test score in the presence of known iodine deficiency condition such as breast or thyroid disease, a defect in the Sodium
Iodide Symporter (NIS) mechanism is suspected. The iodine taken during the loading test may pass into the urine unabsorbed giving a false normal reading. Follow your physician's iodine dosing carefully to see how the iodine test result changes.
The doctors find that the most common side effects are usually resolved with 3 grams of
vitamin C and/or the salt loading protocol.
1) First of all, get your iodine tested and tell them about your clear cut iodine deficiency symptoms. Take the Fluoride & Bromide test in addition to the iodine loading test:
Stop taking iodine 2 weeks prior to testing. Your testing doc will confirm the symporter problem. They will offer you advice on handling this problem.
2) The failing iodide symporter will require MUCH larger dosages of Vitamin C & Magnesium.
Take Slow Release Vitamin C and increase dosage until bowel tolerance limit.
See notes on Co-Supplements about raising dosages to the max:
Here is your ultimate guide to the failing iodide symporter:
Iodine - Absorption Problems-Iodide Symporter Problems
This is in Iodine Recommended Reading:
Chapter Iodine Absorption Problems
If you have problems reading these files, then install the Google Chrome Browser.
Nonchalant Says:
"If I had to guess, I would say that better hydration would help her iodide symporter."
Best to you,