Hey all, so I've cleaned out on occasion, been constipated.... and I have an external hem. for sure. I had bright red blood when I wiped my anus yesterday and there had been an issue this past week with a feeling of uncomfort and some small, small amounts of blood. I noticed yesterday when I went to the bathroom (not in the photos below) that I had regular stool but with thin blood in the water...
Last night I went and noticed similar to what was in the photo...
This morning I went, it was fine, no blood really at all, and I saw my stool, green in color, no good visible, mostly veggies, traces of broccoli, etc.
Then I went to the bathroom a few hours ago and the three photos are from then....I'm curious, is it hemmorhoids or can it be more than that? I am going to the doctor within the next two weeks to check. This has never happened to me before although I have been cleaning out for a year, maybe less. Sometimes I'd get bad, bad constipation and bloating (I'm skinny though, in shape, 30 years of age, under 6 foot, 194 lbs, gained some weight recently from eating more high fat foods, but been working out and am in good physique).
My uncles and my fathers brothers had stomach cancer and prostate cancer. They lived in the south. I don't. I eat mostly a plant based diet. I'd like to think that high amounts of animal fat cause more issues than let's say those who eat more clean. Maybe there's no connection but it's what I've been brought up to believe. Anyway, here's the photos...thoughts? Hem. or more? (and no I'm not afraid to pick up my feces, it's from my body, it's natural ;) )
Not sure if the photo is showing or not? But the newest stool with blood is basically it being mixed in with the actual stool, as if it's clumped in there with it, not really any loose blood like the day before where there was fresh red blood on the actual anus.
EDIT: I noticed that the corn I had this past week had just come out now, and that corn that I had this week was had with tomatoes. So it's very highly likely that the tomatoes I had, were what the red part was. It's possible, and makes me feel a little better since I had the corn and the tomatoes in the same meal. So this is a relief in a way, but I do still believe I have an interior hem. and exterior since it was a small purple type of bump right near the anus.