Hi all,
I recently responded to Yoe's post offering to help with some assistance for adrenal fatigue by using ayurveda, which is traditional Indian medicine. I am currently enrolled in Sai Ayurvedic College, which is a two year course in ayurvedic studies. I am also undergoing ayurvedic treatment for myself personally and I have noticed a lot of improvements, especially in energy levels. I was basically in a close to comatose state before I started the treatment in April, could barely get out of bed. Now I am working, teaching piano, shopping, walking, doing yoga, it's great. I cannot guarantee you the same results that I have had but I do think ayurveda can be helpful for anyone, even in the worst condition. Ayurveda works by correcting the underlying balances in the body by correcting the amount of the elements in the body. First, it identifies your specific body type and your current imbalances, then we prescribe diet, lifestyle and herbs that will correct your imbalance.
I am offering help to anyone that is interested because I have had good results and I would like to share this with others and see if anyone else feels improvement when using this. I am still learning, so I am by no means an authority figure on Ayurveda but I do feel that I have enough understanding to be of help to some people.
Anyone that is interested, send me a personal message and I will have a bunch of questions to ask you to identify your body type and we can work out a diet and regimen for you.