Hi everyone!
I'm [male,30 yo] pretty freaked out right now.
I have been under LOTS of stress for many months now.
I am currently taking thyroxine 100 mcg for hypothyroidism because my TSH has been fluctuating between high and normal for the past year. My doc said that I'm hypothyroid and should be on meds. He also did an ultrasound and said the gland is small and has less contrast.
I asked my doctor about ruling out adrenal fatigue first but he said that's not necessary cause once my thyroid meds are adjusted and then the adrenals which are used to compensate for the hypothyroidism will automatically be able to relax.
Now the problem is that I often feel very irritated, as if I had ADHD, under stress. I also feel physically weak and jittery especially in my arms and I also talk fast and feel impatient and annoyed.
Or sometimes it has happened that under stress I couldn't even write with a pencil anymore cause my writing was so messed up and my arms were so weak!
I mentioned this to my intern and a neurologist in the past, none of them thought that anything needs to be done about it.
I'm really worried that I might have adrenal fatigue and that taking the thyroid hormones could make it all worse. So far I do not feel any improvement from taking the hormones. I also sweat a lot especially at night and sometimes wake up with a really fast pulse. I don't know if I'm not already hyperthyroid!
My doc told me that I need to raise the T4 to 100mcg and then add T3 and move up to 40mcg over a few weeks! But when I'm already getting side effects from T4 only at 75mcg then how can I even add T3 later on!?
I'm really scared of this.
And what's also freaking me out is that I read about a test where you can find out if you have adrenal fatigue. You stand in front of a mirror in a dark room and hold a light next to your eyes and if the pupils cannot hold their contraction and keep getting smaller and bigger all the time then this means you have low aldosterone! I did this test and my pupils cannot hold the contraction! I don't know how long I have been having this.
Now I'm even more worried.
I don't know what to do now. If I go back to my endocrinologist then he will probably order a ACTH test. I don't know if this test is enough. I also read that this test means very much stress for the adrenals and can basically ruin them. :(
What do I now? Is there anything one can do for the adrenals WITHOUT a doctor?
My issue is that I really do not have a good endocrinologist who I trust. I have been to so many over the years and they all more or less disappointed.