"Hence, no matter what information you give them, they will not desist; they will use it to further their distrustful ambition. Hence, I found that there was no point in even trying to communicate with them; anything they learned became merely grist for their grindstones of hate."
-- Father Malachi Martin addressing the attacks from critics
Newport. I wil say this........
Did I just take a few cheap shots at you below?
Yes. I will admit it. Some of it might have been unfair.
So I apologize for that.
But the quote you put up above........
Well it applies to manyy people.
Maybe even all of us.
Certainly I see it is incredibely relevant to here.
But also to the "Skeptics" sites as well.
Probably just human nature.
I certainly think alot of bullshot is thrown around here.
Stuff that is poorly sourced or coming from incredibely biased sources.
Stuff put up to feed into ones beliefs.
And I see that on "Skeptic" sites as well.
I've said it numerous times here on curezone.
There is nooooo such thing as an unbiased media source.
MSM - Well nuff said.
"Alternative"??? - Incredibely predictable with the number one goal to sell advertising to keep things afloat.
And of course the people who believe in the MSM will disagree with you and the people who believe in the "alternative" will as well.
So you need to do your homework. And be skeptical of both.
Mike Adams is no longer any type of "trusted" health Guru.
If he ever was one.