You guys, can I just address something here?
If there is an expectation that NB is going to fix everything, I think we will all be sorely disappointed.
Nothing fixes everything.
We are all in this together - ARL or TEI - we share a common thread. We want to heal.
And we all have that power to heal ourselves.
This really depends on the individual - NOT a practitioner - NOT a person outside you and your body.
And NB isn't everything.
In my own healing one of the things that got me the farthest was learning to trust myself. Listen to myself. To learn boundaries, learn to say no, get out of victim mode, keep a check on my thoughts and stories and self-judgement and negativity.
And now... I'm 70% of the way there - if not more. Largely b/c I didn't take supplements, didn't follow one diet to a "T" - just started loving myself and accepting myself.
I used to study with a Buddhist teacher who ran a hospice and did meditation with people. He said "All anyone needs is some love and acceptance."
So please realize, these nutritional balancing practitioners all have their own lives, are all humans on their own paths, and I have spoken to a lot of them, interviewed some of them, and I have not gotten the impression that anyone is out to hurt anyone.
In fact, in my experience, most of them have the true spirit of wanting to help others.
They may just simply not know what is best for you. Only you can know that.
And I don't mean in the sense of being your own NB practitioner, but if something isn't working for you stop. Slow down. Do what feels right or good in that moment. Try something else. Be flexible.
And forgive these people. Accept them. Because if you can do that for someone else, you can do that for yourself.