This is what the report said :
- This lip biopsy has non-keratinising squamous mucosa with mild and irregular acanthosis, there is no spongiosis or lichenoid inflammation. Around upper dermal vessels there is minimal lymphocytic infiltrate with no evidence of 'granuloma' formation. however there is an obvious diffuse accumulation of acidicmucopolysaccharide ( alcian blue positive ) both between collagen fibres and extending down in and around muscle bundles. There is no associated fibroblastic proliferation.
Comment :
- if this is a diffuse process confined to the lip and not associatedwith mucocoele then one of the focal mucinoses should be considered including reticular erythematous mucinosis ( REM ).
lower lip swlling Punch biopsy - see comment.
So from what i understand there is no inflammation right ?
Also, when i searched up mucinosis, i found this definition :Mucinoses are a group of cutaneous diseases caused by fibroblasts producing abnormally large amounts of acid mucopolysaccharides (i.e. mucin), usually hyaluronic acid.
Again, I remember talk about hyaluronidase turning off fibroblasts thus, if this is the problem, ec should reside with the injections right ?
Anyway, what do you guys make of this ?
Now that ive finally got my results, ive booked an appointment with this doctor -
as he was recommended to me for wednesday. so lets see how that goes.
anyway thoughts on this would be appreciated.