I was just wondering if I could add malic acid to the Clark liver flush? I wanted to take it everyday for a week before the flush to soften any stones.
It doesn't seem like there is anything in the flush that does that? Unless the olive oil is suppose to?
I have found some magnesium supplements that have magnesium malate in it. Is that OK?
I also have Ultra Phos (Ortho Phosphoric acid) as I originally was going to do the Sutter Coke flush but changed my mind as I thought it would feed Candida too much.
I drink 1 tsp of ACV 2-3 times a day but I'm sure I need more.
I've also heard about using pure cranberry juice which I drink an 1/8th a cup a day. How much would you need of that?
I'm mostly interested in malic capsules or taking the Ultra Phos (how much?).
I've been sick 27+ years with CFS/FM entailing candida, adrenal exhaustion, hypothyroidism, adrenal exhaustion, heavy metals, viruses, bacterias, lyme, mold toxins, parasites, worms, fluoride (don't fluoridate water where I am) and bromide toxicity, possible methylation problems (+/- for MTHFR gene and some others (don't feel better so maybe genes expressing fine).
I can't seem to get well no matter how hard I try. I've tried everything. I'm hoping the flush will help and also get rid of chronic sinus infection that I believe is fungal. Why is it so hard to get rid of these infections? I use anti fungals but they don't seem to reach the sinuses even though the sinuses are part of the digestive system. I've done all sorts of neti pot flushes (salt, baking soda, GSE, oregano, kefir, with no results. The best thing I've found to control it (but not get rid of it) is
Colloidal Silver .
Please advise,