What I derived from the author:
- Lithium protects and renews brain cells.
- Increases brain grey matter.
- May help generate new brain cells.
- Enhances nerve cell DNA replication.
- Increases production of bcl-2 protein, a brain protector.
- Inhibition of N-methyl-D-aspartate overactivity, preventing brain cell injury.
- Reduces cell death in brain post ischemic stroke.
- Protects against brain cell death using some drugs, ei anti-convulsant medications.
- Lithium is required for at least two pathways of signaling between brain cells and networks of brain cells.
- Protects against glutamate induced nerve cell damage.
- Slows Alzheimer's through inhibition of beta-amyloid secretion and damage.
- Inhibits damage from overactivation of tau protein in brain.
- Inhibits damage from neurofibrillary tangles in brain.
- Helps chelate aluminum from brain.
- Slows senile dementia.
- Helps alcoholism and associated mood disorders.
- May help fibrolyalgia pain and stiffness symptoms.
- Adding Vitamin C to Lithium may help gout.
- May reduce severity and frequency of cluster headaches.
- May inhibit virus reproduction, especially with lysine, selenium, et al.
- Normalization of thyroid hormones in Graves' disease.
- Flaxseed oil and Vitamin E reduce risk of toxicity long-term.
Recommendation of 10 to 20 mg of lithium orotate or aspartate daily for anti-aging and the brain. Most studies were conducted with much higher doses however. The author has 30+ years of experience with lithium supplementation.
Anyone have first hand experience with Lithium supplements or rich foods? I imagine euthyroid people with too much lithium will have hypothyroidism potentially.