i have a serious issue- many years ago a missionary sent me SilverDYNE- around ten small blue bottles- to try out for my health issues (myriad, i've been given many diagnoses) so long as i would report back to him as to how well it worked. it was/is used as a water purifier in third world countries. i used it, much as one would use
Colloidal Silver - and found it to be VERY effective. but i lost the packaging and contact info so that i could report back to him, which was sad to me (in that i did not fulfill my end of the bargain).
it worked so well (along with my zapper) that i was up and back to work and healthy and happy for some time before my issues returned. i now use
Colloidal Silver and am zapping, but not with the same success as i had with the silverdyne. does ANYONE know how i can find this? i've googled it, there are organizations that give it/buy it/donate it/ sell it to third world countries, but i cannot find it ANYWHERE available for purchase here (other than what appears to be a fraudulent website that has a fake paypal page in attempt to get paypal info). HELP !!!!