I've suffered from stronger than most people
Body Odor since puberty. People usually say "Oh you have your own unique smell" I can smell it sometimes, it's not offensive to me but I know it's stronger than most people, but a lot of times I can't smell it so I'll ask someone I'm close to and they tell me. A strong smell of sweat, like stronger than most people when they sweat.
I can't wear anti-perspirants, only deodorants because anti-perspirants make me smell even worst. Within minutes of me wearing anti-perspirants I smell badly and I develop large glands under my arm pits if I keep going to the point where I can't lift my arms.
I started buying a fresh coconut daily at wholefoods and eating the soft meat as well and I noticed a huge difference. I used to drink real coconut water from coconuts when I was very young but I cannot stand the stuff in the bottles. Thank goodness there are stores like wholefoods, Erewhon that sell coconuts.
Young fresh coconut not the brown ones, the green ones or the ones with green peeled off, white flesh with plastic wrapped around them. You can ask someone in the store to open it for you if it's not opened already.
My goal was to go to yoga class and not have to wear deodorant because I want to be able to sweat properly so I can detox properly, and not wear tons of deodorant because I'm paranoid about my smell, without the sweat having a strong offensive smell.
I've accomplished that goal, my natural body smell is very mild and inoffensive I can go without deodorant due to coconut water and coconut meat.
Garlic and onions make it worst
and my nipples taste like onions too, i can taste it if I kiss a lover after he has sucked my nipple, some lovers can taste it and some can't, they don't mind it but I do.
The foods that help are raw tomatoes especially
My boyfriend smells better too he didn't have a
Body Odor issue but his sweat smells a lot better since coconut water.
Other things I've noticed gray hair going away coconut water has copper and copper is supposed to help with gray hair.
I used to have muscle and eye twitches that's gone also from drinking coconut water and eating coconut meat. My skin looks amazing. Rome wasn't built in a day, try this for a week and see if you notice a difference, you may notice a difference after one day. It feels so good to smell good :)