Hi there, I'm so sorry to hear about your struggle. I completely understand...please know that although you probably don't visibly see many women around who have this same problem, you are NOT alone. I think many have just managed to find a good way to hide it, or have finally scrounged up the funds to get it removed more permanently.
I am 33 years old and have been struggling for years with excessive facial hair on my chin (no where else - thankfully). I am fair-skinned, and the hair is extremely dark, course and thick. Creams are useless on this hair, and I have tried everything. Typically, I pluck, but over time, this can cause discolouration of the skin, and can create ingrown hairs. My advice, if you choose to pluck, would be to spend the time to do it right. Start with an exfoliant cleanser. Then, a warm cloth to open your pores. Make sure your tweezers are sterilized (rubbing alcohol) and try to be as gentle on your face as possible. Once done, immediately place a cool cloth to close your pours and try to reduce redness. Then, use a toner or witch-hazel (or tea-trea oil) to remove any lasting bacteria which can cause more irritation and acne. Finally, when all dry, add a light moisturizer.
Recently, I have taken the plunge to get laser hair removal - but I won't be starting for several weeks. You must avoid getting any kind of tan (and it's summer - I'm already tanned) and you can ONLY shave for 4 weeks prior to your treatment. No waxing or plucking allowed. I managed one week before I had to pluck again - I haven't found the best shaving techniques yet - my skin becomes extremely irritated.
BUT - one main thing I wanted to share was that I recently started taking some herbal supplements (FEMMED Hormonal Balance containing Chaste Tree Berry and black cohosh root). The bottle was approx $25 at the drug store, and is intended to help with PMS symptoms and menstruation regularity. It has been about 4 days - and I don't know if it's just in my mind or not, but I actually think I'm noticing a change - it's amazing!! So far, the growth is not as thick as usual....less hairs and they aren't quite as thick.
I have also seen that drinking spearmint tea daily can help to balance your hormones.
MOST IMPORTANTLY you must go see a doctor to make sure there isn't something more serious going on. I have been tested for everything, and am lucky that I don't have PCOS. But, PCOS is a very common reason for facial hair growth - and the facial hair is the least of the problems - you must get yourself checked out first! I know it's embarrassing....try to push yourself, you must!
Once summer is over, I will re-attempt to spend 4 weeks shaving so I can go to laser treatment (I've already purchased the sessions) but my hope is that between the supplements and the spearmint tea, it will be lesser so that the shaving is easier.
Finally - to deal with the 5 0'clock shadow from shaving, check out some Transgendered sites (male to female). They have incredible makeup tips to hide the shadow. It's all about the colour wheel. If you have a darkish blue tinge from the shadow, try lightly going over it with orange/red lipstick (just that area). Blend very gently - you will look weird and red, but trust me!!
Then, go over it with a normal coloured cover stick and blend. Finally, cover your entire face with your regular foundation. You won't look red anymore ....and the shadow will be much, much lighter if noticable at all. The orange cancelles out the blue.
Good luck my dear.
Other options are waxing or laser....depends on your funds though.
You're not alone. xo