Clew! Can I leave out the olive oil in the Nutmeg mask? The oil makes it a little harder to handle so yesterday I just added extra Green to make it the right consistency.
I got tremendous results. - I mean amazing.
However, I don't want to leave the olive oil out if it serves a specific purpose.
I did keep the oil in the Cumin mask which my Mom put on my entire back.
But this time with the Nutmeg mask sans olive oil, I was able to see whole worms when I scraped the mask off my face- black ones, small curvy little ones.... All kinds. But the best was the black worm because I had just shown my Dad this black worm wiggling across my cheek up the side of my nose. I was disgusted because even IF the mask got this hair like worm no one would ever see it after the mask. But BINGO! There he was. All in one piece curled all around for God and all to see but if I took a pin to pull him up he fell apart I to peices. But I had hundreds of worms I could see but not touch else they too would dissipate into pieces of goo.
If you get a moment and get notice of this post please let me know regarding g the oil.
Also, is it ok to save left over made up mask to be used the next day? I hate to waste it!
Thank you for such a wonderful tool in beating these worms!! My pores have never been so clean and open despite expensive salon treatments and facial products! I feel like I have a secret weapon!
Many blessings to you this day and thank you for any insight you can provide!