Hi all,
I hope you guys can give me some advice. I am bed bound, sick and doc's don't have a clue whats wrong with me.
They diagnosed me with lyme (2 positive tests) but I don't have the symptoms like fever, oppurtunistic infections, etc etc. I was for months on lyme fora and those ppl are weirder sick than me. I have had 4 weeks of doxycycline (shit... why did I listen). An experienced lyme doc thinks I am hypopituitary but that didn't show clearly from the tests.
I have all the signs of a hypothyroid, low FT3, cold intolerance, fatigue etc.
I have all the signs of adrenal fatigue. Cortisol (salvia) is all day low with a small bump in the morning. I tested extremely low on (nor)adrenalin. I am told this is a-typical AF, since progesteron and dopamin are fine (should be lowered in severe AF).
Low on aldesteron, DHEA, serotonin, histamin.
Fine are Ostradiol, testosteron, progesteron, dopamine.
My conclusion: I miss everything the adrenals and thyroid produce.
On basis of these results, I started thyroid hormone and an adrenal cortex supplement, 150 mg. From the thyroid hormone I got increased energy in the beginning but now it only gives me a pounding heart on only 15 mg NDT.
The ACE gives me more energy but it prevents me from sleeping more than 3 hours. In a quater of that dose I still can't sleep well. It makes me nauseated as well.
Lots of foods produce nausea.
I've been diagnosed with:
spastic colon
Gastric reflux (lung inflammation 3x)
appendix inflammation (3x, surgery)
Hyponatremia (resulting in improper heart functioning)
Livelong tiredness 'but the thyroid is ok' so covered it up mentally.
Since last surgery on my knee in january I am a mess.
I don't tolerate even 1/4 th grain of natural thyroid hormone (pounding heart), sometimes it is well tolerated for a few days.
I don't tolerate even 37 mg of adrenal cortex (nausea, insomnia).
I have frequent gass, bowel cramps. Frequent food-related nausea. Eat 70% a grass fed paleo diet with a lot of fruits since too low carb shuts down the thyroid. No diary.
Have to eat at night to keep on sleeping.
My mom was defficient in
Iodine and I probably where my whole life (hence the hypothyroid).
I was stressed since I felt of the stairs as a kid (indicating hypopituitary), I have been to the osteopath to treat that.
I get sick from milk thistle capsules (250 mg).
What to do? If thyroid hormone and adrenal hormones are at place but not tolerated, what is happening?
I am currently only on the
Iodine protocol since it is well tolerated and helps with sleep and heat.
iodine 60 mg (lugol's),
selenium 400 mcg,
vit c 2 gr,
Sea Salt 1 gram a day
vit b complex
400-800 mg magnesium.
1000-2000 vit d.
I am looking for effective but gentle therapies. Can you guys advice on the way out?
Since I am bed bound I did like to hear the therapy that probably benefits me the most and is I am also somewhat limited on funds but if it helps it is worth the money since my life is almost worthless now. I am looking for improvement in weeks rather than months. I am a guy, 27 years old and living again with my parents. My doc wants my to try the ridiculously expensive glyconutrients he is promoting himself through the famous MLM company.
Please advice, thanks.