(I tried to post this response earlier, but it didn't work maybe. Sorry if this is a duplicate!)
I actually felt like I got worse after removal for a couple months. Some symptoms backed off a bit, some continued without change, and some new ones appeared. My whole first year was a nightmare. A quick recovery after just a month is not the norm, in my opinion, even though some women do bounce back like that. Every year has been better for me in general however. Before the Mirena, I had never had any illness other than an occasional cold, a flu during one pregnancy; that's it. Nothing that a week of bed rest wouldn't cure. To be sick day after day, month after month, is maddening. I know. I now have great compassion for the many people who suffer with chronic illness and pain on a daily basis for years and even a lifetime. There are many out there who put on a brave face and do the best they can, making the best of their lousy health, knowing that they are unlikely to improve or change much. There is hope for you, and for all women with Mirena syndrome, but it takes time, even if you are doing everything you can to help yourself. Hormones rebalance and readjust themselves on a monthly basis. Every period and cycle you finish is another attempt for your body to fix itself. I am not back to normal yet, but I can function pretty normally for the most part. I am used to feeling "something" every day that wasn't there before the IUD. It might be tremors in my hands, a bit of dizziness, a spacey head, some tendonitis or sore joints, a hormonal headache, shakiness in my movements, twitching in muscles, strange vibrating sensations, some numbness in my extremities, weakness on the right side of my body. These things come and go for me STILL, but they are not as severe as they used to be, and they don't all come at one time everyday like they used to.
I just ache for you. I remember the frustration. I remember feeling like, "It is impossible for me to keep feeling so bad every day. I just can't do it. I will die if I have to keep going through this every day." But I didn't die, and I learned to adapt, and I learned to accept a "new normal" for me. I am happy now, and I am grateful for all I've learned about holistic health and alternative medicine as a result of my illness and new distrust of conventional medicine and clueless doctors. I can help my husband and four children and myself through improved nutrition and lifestyle - all because of that cursed IUD. My faith in God is strong because I had to turn to Him when there was no else to help me. There is grace and beauty in the midst of my despair. It has taken me time to see this, but it is true.
Have hope! You can get through this!
Keep posting :)