i had pain in my lower back along the right side of my spine
someone told me there is a virus that lives in the spine and it causes back pain
so i googled "back pain due to spinal virus" or some similar phrase
and discovered that the culprit is herpes zoster
also learned it causes shingles, bell's palsy, inner ear problems, etc...
well I had chicken pox (herpes zoster) when I was a kid
so i made up a strong batch of
Colloidal Silver and drank it
my back pain diminished tremendously
over time and after taking the CS consistently, it has completely gone away
my boyfriend has back problems
he hurt it rowing a boat several years ago
doctors tell him he has a bulging disc due to exertion injury
he was flat on his back in bed for one year
it is much better, but he is in constant pain and take ibuprofen
i gave him some
Colloidal Silver and his back pain diminished tremendously
he can't remember whether he had chicken pox as a kid
but he has an inner ear problem and wanted some more CS
seems to me like he probably had a virus in his spine and that is why his back couldn't handle rowing the boat
and the inflamed bulging disc isn't likely to get any better until the virus is cleared out
wonder if medical schools are teaching the doctors to rule out herpes zoster before recommending disc surgery?