Very intelligent. We need more like him to turn over every rock in this government to expose all the illegal shenanigans that take our freedoms away as well as removing, and jailing the persons behind them.
This can only be done by the people. We are the Government.
It doesn't take a set of cajones to vote the right people in office, and to throw the wrong ones out who insist on not following the constitution. Hell you can have ovaries and still accomplish that.
Actually we could fast track it if we would allow corporal punishment for not voting the constitution before we send them to jail.
the constitution as interpreted by whom?
By the voters. Let one, or more lose their cushy jobs that makes them millionaires eventually and you will see the change in the rest.
You would be surprised how fast things would change.
Dr. Amen calls your type of thinking having the ANTS [Automatic negative thoughts].
What would be the alternative? More of the same.