I love it when I hear people say "I've heard", LOL
Take NO notice of "what you hear" from others when it comes to dietary supplements, many folks are great at parrot talk, they just repeat what others say. In fact, some folks are the most intelligent parrots I know, they know literally thousands of phrases!
It's time to stop looking for "dead Candida" in the stool, you may on occasion see this white stuff which is most likely mucus and not Candida. Focus on your health, and more importantly - focus on what works and what doesn't work for you when it comes to Candida infection recovery. I say the same to those who want to lose weight and hop on scales many times daily and say "Wow, I've lost 347 grams today!" I get folks to throw their bathroom scales in the garbage can. Same with looking at stool daily to look for "dead candida", it's not a good thing to constantly focus on! Focus on your health and well-being, how you feel, your energy, sleep, brain and emotional function, etc.
Caprylic acid "toxic to your kidneys"? I don't think so. I've "heard" many things over the years that patients have told me too, like Vitamin C causes kidney stones and that dietary supplements "shorten your life", etc. Pay no attention to these ridiculous statements. It's so funny how many who themselves take toxic drugs regularly are quick to say that dietary supplements can "make you sick and cause ill health", when in fact they are poisoning themselves!
There is NO doubt, GSE is strong, and it pays to take it in two to three week cycles for that reason. Say, two to three weeks on, and two to three weeks off. Dosage is arbitrary. Some say 15 drops in water of juice (grapefruit juice) two to three times daily, others will say 30 drops 2-3 times daily. You can go high dose short term. Then stop for a few weeks. You can also go low dose long term, e.g. 1-5 drops daily for a few months. You can also go high dose for 3 weeks. Then stop for 2 weeks. Then, recommence at the low dose for a few weeks, and at the same time include odorless garlic, oregano oil, coconut oil, black walnut, clove, etc. There are many good anti-fungals, but I'm currently making my own because I just can't seem to find a product which contains exactly what I want, and I'm sick of using two or three products to achieve what I know I can with one top product. Watch this space.
Oh, be sure to take a good quality Lacto. acid. and Bifidus supplement a few times daily.